Well-Developed Ayurvedic Probiotic Science

Nisarg Joshi

Ayurveda, B12, Fermentation, GUT, GutBacteria

Depression is a mental disorder that affects more than 264 million people of all ages worldwide. Understanding its mechanisms is vital for the development of effective therapeutic strategies. Scientists from the Institut Pasteur, Inserm and the CNRS recently conducted a study showing that an imbalance in the gut bacterial community can cause a reduction in some metabolites, resulting in depressive-like behaviors. These findings, which show that a healthy gut microbiota contributes to normal brain function, were published in Nature Communications on December 11, 2020.


And this is not first research. We have shared ample examples at www.prachodayat.in

What we wish you to know is that, science of microbiota is well-known to Ayurveda. While modern science is still doing random trials and even giving Poop (stool of health GUT person) as medicine 😀 , Ayurveda has well-classified 84 types of asava (fermented products), contain probiotics and have effect on body, mind and digestive power are listed indicating gut brain relationship. They help in regulation of sleep, appetite and mental activity.

धान्य आसव
फल आसव
मूल आसव
सार आसव
पुष्प आसव
कंद आसव
पत्र आसव
तवग आसव
शर्करा आसव
Using each of these ingredients exclusively (i.e., without mixing or combining with any other additive or ingredient) results in eighty four varieties of alcoholic preparations. All these are known as asava (self generated alcoholic preparation) because of the process of fermentation involved in their preparation. The outcome or result of these asavas (alcoholic preparations) is based on the combination, properties of ingredients and the process or method of preparation. Thus, a skillful Ayurvedic practitioner proficient in the art of preparing asavas should be able to concoct a preparation with the right combination of ingredients, depending upon the doshas of the patient, his physical constitution, time, season, location, and other factors
What an in-depth prescription! Not easy for everyone to understand and certainly not that easy to do clinical trials!


The wise will trust the roots and start using them in real life. Arrogant or insecure will keep crying about Ayurveda’s modern practitioners’ pitfalls. Choice is yours.



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