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Nisarg Joshi

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Gut microbes are responsible for sudden heart attacks

पिछले दशक में हृदयघात और अन्य हृदय रुग्णावस्था के उदाहरण बढ़ रहे है ।युवा अवस्था में ही हृदय बल क्षीण ...

Ignoring life rhythms invite diseases

#circadianthursday #prachodayathealth In first chapter of this series, we discussed general ways to sync inner rhythms (circadian clocks) with outer ...

Protect senses by your speech

Speech does not only mean the gross spoken words. It also means the subtle speech that we constantly utter while ...

Ideal Father – Accessible like fire

Being accessible like fire Accidental or accessible? ***स नः पितेव सूनवे.अग्ने सूपायनो भव |*** *सचस्वा नः सवस्तये ||* ***हे अग्नि ...

Mind is not brain

मन मस्तिष्क से भिन्न है । एक संशोधन अनुसार .. शोधकर्ताओं ने इन प्राणियों को कुछ न्यूरोट्रांसमीटर संकेतों का जवाब ...


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