Environment, Not Genes: Effect of Early childhood on Adult Genes variations

Nisarg Joshi

ChildDevelopment, Education, Parenting, Sanskar, School, Uncategorized


It is after modern science dogma of gene-driven life, we Indians started ignoring real factors affecting our life. All factors summarize as one word “Environment”.

Early life experiences influence DNA in the adult brain


Modern education is designed to inject ideas and philosophy of church. So superficial that we start ignoring impact of environment on our self.

Very popular Chanalya’s verse suggest how environment during childhood plays critical role in adult life.

लालयेत् पंचवर्षाणि दशवर्षाणि ताडयेत्। प्राप्ते तु षोडशे वर्षे पुत्रं मित्रवदाचरेत्॥

पुत्र का पांच वर्ष तक लालन करे । दस वर्ष तक ताड़न करे । सोलहवां वर्ष लग जाने पर उसके साथ मित्र के समान व्यवहार करना चाहिए ।

First 5 years at home. Next 10 years in resident school. 16+ in society where he or she will have to face the संसार!

Why? Because first 5 years (in fact first 6 years, before conception to age 5) is the time when maximum neuronal networks are developed. In next 10 years, there will be many associations made among neurons. All based on your experience and environment!

“We are taught that our DNA is something stable and unchanging which makes us who we are, but in reality it’s much more dynamic,” says Rusty Gage, a professor in Salk’s Laboratory of Genetics. “It turns out there are genes in your cells that are capable of copying themselves and moving around, which means that, in some ways, your DNA does change.”

What type of resident school?

A place full of trees and water bodies! Best in the laps of mother nature, on the banks of flowing river, surrounded by sacred grove! It is this time of the life which will help build best possible body and mind!

Not only this, we also believe in Sanskar(s). Mental environment and cure. We all take birth with past life’s karma storage and mental tendencies. Sanskar(s) help to purify child.

Here are the old notes on impact of terrain and region on intellect:



हनुमान तत्व & ब्रह्मचर्याश्रम

GEOGRAPHY and Cognitive Development link

Varna System, Geology ,Farming & Your Food, Your health

Now, read this latest research and get rid of modern fake dogma of gene-driven life. It is always environment-driven life.


Early life experiences influence DNA in the adult brain


For at least a decade, scientists have known that most cells in the mammalian brain undergo changes to their DNA that make each neuron, for example, slightly different from its neighbor. Some of these changes are caused by “jumping” genes—officially known as long interspersed nuclear elements (LINEs)—that move from one spot in the genome to another. In 2005, the Gage lab discovered that a jumping gene called L1, which was already known to copy and paste itself into new places in the genome, could jump in developing neuronal brain cells.

The team had hypothesized that such changes create potentially helpful diversity among brain cells, fine-tuning function, but might also contribute to neuropsychiatric conditions.

“While we’ve known for a while that cells can acquire changes to their DNA, it’s been speculated that maybe it’s not a random process,” says Tracy Bedrosian, a former Salk research associate and first author of the study. “Maybe there are factors in the brain or in the environment that cause changes to happen more or less frequently.”

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