Why just cow milk? Microbes differs by milk


Cow, Cow Grazing, Milk

All गौ-पालक and Cow-advocates always receive this question:

“Why only cow milk? why not other animals milk?”

There is simple answer to this – Food selection should happen based on the Sanskar food receives. So in case of animal’s products – animal’s dincharya, place of living and  food intake decides quality of milk or dung or urine.

In Ashtang Hridayam, different milk qualities are explained.

अत्र गव्यं तु जीवनीयं रसायनम्
क्षतक्षीणहितं मेध्यं बल्यं स्तन्यकरं सरम्
जीर्नज्वरं मूत्रकृच्छ्रं रक्तपित्तं च नाशयेत्

Cow’s milk

1. Jeevaneeya – promotes long life,
2. Rasayana – anti aging, rejuvenating
3. Kshataksheena hita – good for those emaciated after chest injury
4.  Medhya – increases intelligence,
5.  Balya – strengthening
6.  Stanyakara – promotes breast milk production
7.  Sara – helps easy movement of the bowels


a.  Shramahara – exhaustion,
b.  Bhramahara – dizziness
c.   Mada – toxicity,
d.  Alakshmi – in-auspiciousness
e.   Shwasa – dyspnoea,
f.   Kasa – cough,
g.  Atitrut Kshudha – severe thirst and hunger,
h.  Jeernajvara – chronic fevers,
i.    Mutrakrichra – dysuria
j.   Raktapitta – bleeding diseases


अल्पाम्बुपानव्यायाम कटुतिक्ताशनैः लघु
आजं शोषज्वरश्वासरक्तपित्तातिसारजित्

Goat drinks less water and does a lot of walking. It eats pungent and bitter grass and vegetables, that are light to digest. Hence goat milk also carries these qualities.

Goat milk is useful in

1.  Shosha – emaciation
2. Jvara – fever
3. Shwasa – dyspnoea, asthma, chronic bronchial disorders
4. Raktapitta – bleeding disorders of Pitta origin such as haemorrhoids, nasal bleeding
5. Atisara – diarrhoea, dysentery.

So, all milks are have different applications. There is only one universally accepted daily routine option – cow milk. Other animals’ milk are used in specific conditions.

When you explain this, another question will come : “Is there any proof?”

So here is the answer for such questions full of doubts. (Not their fault. Our education groom us for such psychological mindset).

As per this research[1], Although milk from cow, goat, and mare is nutritious, its effects on the relationship between the immune system, metabolites, and gut microbiota is different! Right, you read it right! Milk is not just milk – there is difference how it will work when it becomes part of your body!

Here is the conclusion of research:

Also, bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis revealed that human milk enriched the relative abundance of Akkermansia and Bacteroides, cow milk increased the relative abundance of Lactobacillus, goat milk increased the relative abundance of Escherichia-Shigella, and mare milk improved the relative abundance of Klebsiella. Besides, mare milk was similar to human milk in the concentration of the metabolites we analyzed. Our findings suggest that mare milk can positively modulate the gut microbiota and immunity status of infants and thus could be a possible replacement for human milk.

  • All milks promote different sets of microbes
  • All milks promote different immune response

Clear now?

Let us understand, why such difference.

There are two fundamentals. First, as I said, based on sanskar (treatment) animal gets, it will have impact on the milk. Second, each animal has different prakriti and Pranamaya constitution. There will be impact of it too! Milk falls in to “पान” category of food i.e. It is a kind of food that helps body to transport prana to all body cells. So each milk will have different capacity to carry prana based on animal type, its prakriti and its given sanskar (Grazing cow vs cow at rest – even morning milk vs evening milk differs!). So based on this prana , digestion will yield different types of विपाक (outcome of food digestion). Based on विपाक quality (No आम to full of आम), microbes will emerge, sometime good and sometime pathogens!

At the end, accept it – milk is not just milk. Milk from dairy is not at all milk as it is विकृति cocktail.

[1] Cow, Goat, and Mare Milk Diets Differentially Modulated the Immune System and Gut Microbiota of Mice Colonized by Healthy Infant Feces | Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (acs.org) – https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acs.jafc.0c06039

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