Surplus Antioxidants weaken heart and skeletal muscle

Nisarg Joshi


महायंत्रोके युगमें हमारा आहार भी फेक्टरी तैयार करती है | आहार भी गुटिका में ! pill based food हमारे लिए सामान्य हो गया है | क्यूँ?
क्यूंकि रासायनिक खेती करके मुनाफ़ा कमाना है!

ऐसा आहार लेने से पहले समझ ले: जो कुछ कृत्रिम है वह हमारे शरीर के लिए विष है | हाँ विष भी औषधीय कर्म कर सकता है…लम्बे समय तक नहीं! प्रतिऑक्सीकारक (Antioxidants) या प्रतिउपचायक की अधिक मात्रा ह्रदय और कंकाल पेशिओ में रोगजन्य वृत्तिको जन्म देता है!

आग्रह रखे की आपका आहार कुदरती हो! अगर प्रतिऑक्सीकारक (Antioxidants) या प्रतिउपचायक लेने पड़ते है तो उचित मात्रा में ले…अधिक मात्रा का लोभ न करें! भारी पड़ेगा!!

Many heart diseases are linked to oxidative stress, an overabundance of reactive oxygen species. The body reacts to reduce oxidative stress — where the redox teeter-totter has gone too far up — through production of endogenous antioxidants that reduce the reactive oxygen species. This balancing act is called redox homeostasis.

But what happens if the redox teeter-totter goes too far down, creating antioxidative stress, also known as reductive stress? Rajasekaran Namakkal-Soorappan, Ph.D., associate professor in the University of Alabama at Birmingham Department of Pathology, and colleagues have found that reductive stress, or RS/AS, is also pathological. This discovery, they say, may have clinical importance in management of heart failure.

They report that RS causes pathological heart enlargement and diastolic dysfunction in a mouse model. This study, published in the journal Antioxidants and Redox Signaling, was led by Namakkal-Soorappan and Pei Ping, Ph.D., David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California-Los Angeles.

“Antioxidant-based therapeutic approaches for human heart failure should consider a thorough evaluation of antioxidant levels before the treatment,” they said. “Our findings demonstrate that chronic RS is intolerable and adequate to induce heart failure.”


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