Simpletons do more harm to society than ignorant. I often receive shallow arguements from those who are consuming factory made milk or vegan sentimental alternatives.
“Milk is milk! Nutrition cocktail! “
Their arguments are like:
1) We can ferment coconut milk or Almond too then why do we need this milk? For all probiotic needs, we can rely on it.
2) Milk is milk and butter milk is butter milk. Doe snot make any difference whether it is A2 milk or A1 milk or Dairy milk or Raw milk.
3) Fermentation is fermentation. Whether it is done at home or in factory.
This is utter simpleton nonsense. Milk is not just nutrients. Milk varies with species. Milk varies with season. Milk varies based on how good or bad you treat animals. More than nutrients, milk is full of digested Prana (Raw Prana from sunlight digested at least once in organism. Like how plants and trees convert raw prana into digested Prana. Prana is not nutrient! For your imagination, imagine a layer of energy carried by any food item. Processed foods have least! Raw or cooked food have optimum)
They are certainly guided by sentiments and not rational common sense.
Remember few facts:
1) For Probiotic (Healthy bacteria) to survive stomach acids, they need enough food during this digestive track travel. So their medium must be rich in their taste of nutrients.
2) Based on the source, bacteria establish so bacteria in Raw milk will be different than the ones in Almond milk. Even their colony count varies based on the richness of the medium.
3) Bacterial society’s variety depends upon the local environment. Bacteria competent with our body are in good numbers at our home.
4) Method of fermentation matters. Manual churning or machine-churning or fat-separation etc. Best is manual churning. Churning or Manthan has great significance in probiotic preparation. It demands your involvement. Machines won’t help much.
This research paper reads:
“Our findings indicate that the manner in which a probiotic is delivered—whether in food or supplement form—could influence how effective that probiotic is in delivering the desired health benefits,”
The mice that ingested the probiotic in milk had reduced symptoms compared to those that were fed milk without the probiotic, and the ones that received the probiotic within a nonfood supplement.
Probiotic food in your local culture is proven and certified by infinite generations. I prefer to trust them over researches and sentiments. So if milk is part of your traditional medium to transport bacteria to Gut, use it. If there is anything else, use it. Do not homogenize good habits by sentiments.
While this research suggest use of dairy for probiotic effectiveness, I go one step further and suggest home-based manually churned fermentation of ethically procured raw A2 desi cow milk.
Remember, medium is the message for the GUT. Which medium you use to transport probiotic is important.
Think about it. Take care.
Dairy Products Boost Effectiveness of Probiotics
Washington, DC – July 17, 2015
“Our findings indicate that the manner in which a probiotic is delivered—whether in food or supplement form—could influence how effective that probiotic is in delivering the desired health benefits,”
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