Planning for child? Shri Krishna’s prescription for would-be fathers

Nisarg Joshi

ChildPlanning, Parenting


A newly wedded friend asked me:

“What a would-be father should take care? There are ample guidelines for would-be mothers but hardly anything discussed about father’s regime.”

He is right. As a society, we focus more on mother as our superficial grooming by popular narratives teach that..father’s job is over at conception. This is utterly shallow.

Father’s job starts very early, along with mother, when they decide to have baby. There are several aspects. From food to sleep, many prescriptions. But there is hardly anything talked about environment and surroundings.

In past, we talked about post-pregnancy impact of Environment here:

Child Development in City invites future mental disorders

Here is the research that talks about impact of home environment full of chemicals on male fertility. Infertility is extreme but safe for future of humanity as there is full stop. But faulty and weal fertility with mutations – that is my concern. Our environment, especially, urban environment, plays devil’s role.

Chemical pollutants in the home degrade fertility in both men and dogs, study finds

New research by scientists at the University of Nottingham suggests that environmental contaminants found in the home and diet have the same adverse effects on male fertility in both humans and in domestic dogs.

There has been increasing concern over declining human male fertility in recent decades with studies showing a 50% global reduction in sperm quality in the past 80 years. A previous study by the Nottingham experts showed that sperm quality in domestic dogs has also sharply declined, raising the question of whether modern day chemicals in the home environment could be at least partly to blame.

In a new paper published in Scientific Reports, the Nottingham team set out to test the effects of two specific man-made chemicals namely the common plasticizer DEHP, widely abundant in the home (e.g. carpets, flooring, upholstery, clothes, wires, toys) and the persistent industrial chemical polychlorinated biphenyl 153, which although banned globally, remains widely detectable in the environment including food.

We also checked in below research that, father’s genes play role in motherhood intensity!

Mother’s care quality is decided by Father’s genes

In short, father’s role is as important as mother’s role is!

Shri Krishna’s prescription (Mahabharata – अनुशासन पर्व)

What is the solution then?

There are two things prescribed by Shri Krishna in Mahabharata.

    1. तप/साधना – Penance
    2. अरण्य निर्वाह (Stay in forest or natural surroundings or visit to natural surrounding daily for tapa)

Background info: 

पर्व: अनुशासन पर्व – दान-धर्म पर्व

भीष्मजी की आज्ञासे, भगवान् श्री कृष्ण युधिष्ठिरसे महादेवजीके माहात्म्यकी कथामें उपमन्यु द्वारा महादेवजी स्तुति प्रार्थना , दर्शन, वरदान एवं स्वयंके दर्शन प्राप्तिका कथन| जाम्बवतीकी पुत्र इच्छा|

Upon Jambavati’s request, what did Shri Krishna did?

He went to Himalaya for Tapa at Upamanyu’s Ashram.


What was there at Ashram?

It was full of flora, fauna and animals! Natural music of water streams, birds and forest!

Krishna_Mh_2 Krishna_Mh_3 Krishna_Mh_4

Vital hints. A would-be father must strive to live in such environment. IF not possible 24×7, weekly? Spend more and more time in nature while you start thinking about a progeny.

The second aspect of it is: Doing tapas in such natural environment.


What kind of Tapas?

  • Strict Food regime
  • Specific Hand and leg movements. If anything that comes close to this in my understanding, is internal Chinese martial art. Qigong.

Erle montaigue, my master of internal fighting/healing arts says:

However, if you are serious about gaining Internal Power, then you will have to at least go on a food and sex fast, not forever, but for a period of time, enough to allow your body and mind to become unclogged.

Even the humble 36 hour fast is far too drastic for most modern Westerner people who have been eating junk food most of their lives and the mind shock is just too great so they give up long before only 36 hours has been reached. They give excuses such as “I have to work and I need energy”, or “I feel really ill” etc. So, you do it when you do not have to work hard perhaps at the weekend. Even this short fast will have an effect upon your Inner Power, allowing for the beginning of your change to happen. The more you do your Taijiquan of course will also have an effect in that it will happen sooner, the longer you have been practicing.

I have personal experience with this kind of Internal Power and its gathering. I cannot begin to write about the ‘strange’ things that have happened just after a fast and even months after. Even when I go back to my normal eating routine (which is pretty bland anyway), the short fast keeps things happening for some time after. As I have always said, you must be doing a great form of Internal Martial Art, not some watered down version, flapping the arms in the breeze, dancing etc. And you must be in a state of complete balance when you perform your Taijiquan form for instance. And you cannot get that without one of the major original forms of Taijiquan, not some shortened version. If you have a good form of Taijiquan, one that will get your motor started as far as Internal Power is concerned, then once it is gathered, it’s just a matter of putting it into gear by investing in loss with a short 36 hour fast, only taking pure water from one evening to the morning of 36 hours later. You will feel ill and many weird things will happen in your mind. But once attained, the short fast will become a part of your life and will not be so difficult.

Understand Tapas as explained by Pt Shriram Sharma Acharya

Internal Power, real one,  is Tapasya.

Now, to sum up entire note:

  1. Take care of environment selection. Spend more and more time with mother nature. More diverse nature. Full of variety of trees, plants, birds and animals.
  2. Regularize food intake. Do Ekadashi fasting at least. Rely on fresh raw food or freshly cooked food.
  3. Do body movements to regularize all five kosha(s).

Call it tapasya and pray Shiva for best progeny.

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