Online friend asked this query recently. Why fat increases after marriage?
Old note on same topic.

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1) Why do pregnant mothers increase fat in last trimester with the help of changing patterns of healthy bacteria in mother’s intestine ( #marutMicrobes)?
2) Why OBESITY is prominent in our times?
“यन्मांसां स्वागि्ना पक्वं तन्मेद इति कथ्यते॥
तदतीव गुरु स्निग्धं बलकार्यतिबृंहणम्॥”
Meda or Fat is a perfectly ripe; mature flesh (मांस). (One of 7 dhatus). It is ripen by the Fire of the body. It is full of fire. It is in fact, fuel. Raw fuel. Besides satisfying energy needs of the body, it provides stability/firmness to body. Shock absorption.
In last trimester of pregnancy, baby has fragile bones and organs. It needs protection from unforeseen external accidents. During this time, brain is under development and demands super flow of energy.
Fat मेद gain by mother.
Rasa dhatu (Lymph) => Rakta dhatu (Blood) => Mamsa dhatu (Muscles) => Medha dhatu (Fat) => Asthi dhatu (Bone) => Majja dhatu (marrow (bone and spinal)) => Shukra dhatu (Semen)
Now when we see abnormal increase in Fat, it is Vata disorder. There is a temporary PAUSE at conversion from Meda (FAT) to Asthi(Bones).
Result => Excessive FAT.
Mother Nature is very kind. If you are suffering from Vata disorder, your probably have fragile bones. So to protect your bones, she increases FAT.
Correct Vata disorder and weight due to FAT will reduce.
Side note: Generally, when a young boy gets married, he starts developing FAT.
Do you know reason? Because wife cooks well? 😀 No. Wife cannot cook as good as mother 😉. It is because, he is now regularly indulged in sex. Excessive sex deranges Vata => FAT
What happened due to abnormally early FAT ?
FAT => Compromised bones, compromised marrow, compromized shukra. Obesity impairs reproductive outcome significantly.
Any doubt why obese suffer from infertility?
Some supporting research papers for obesity and reproduction links.
Obesity and infertility.
Fertility can be negatively affected by obesity. In women, early onset of obesity favours the development of menses irregularities, chronic oligo-anovulation and infertility in the adult age. Obesity in women can also increase risk of miscarriages and impair the outcomes of assisted reproductive technologies and pregnancy, when the body mass index exceeds 30 kg/m. The main factors implicated in the association may be insulin excess and insulin resistance. These adverse effects of obesity are specifically evident in polycystic ovary syndrome. In men, obesity is associated with low testosterone levels. In massively obese individuals, reduced spermatogenesis associated with severe hypotestosteronemia may favour infertility. Moreover, the frequency of erectile dysfunction increases with increasing body mass index.
The adverse effects of obesity on conception and implantation
Whilst many multiparous women are obese (body mass index >30 kg/m2), obesity has been associated with impaired fecundity; however, the mechanism which links obesity to reduced fertility remains to be fully elucidated. Obese women, particularly those with central obesity, are less likely to conceive per cycle. Obese women suffer perturbations to the hypothalamic–pituitary–ovarian axis, menstrual cycle disturbance and are up to three times more likely to suffer oligo-/anovulation. A fine hormonal balance regulates follicular development and oocyte maturation, and it has been observed that obesity can alter the hormonal milieu. Leptin, a hormone produced by adipocytes, is elevated in obese women, and raised leptin has been associated with impaired fecundity. Obesity impairs ovulation but has also been observed to detrimentally affect endometrial development and implantation. The expression of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is regulated, in part, by weight, and so obese women with PCOS often have a more severe phenotype and experience more subfertility. Obesity also impairs the response of women to assisted conception treatments. Weight loss through lifestyle modification or bariatric surgery has been demonstrated to restore menstrual cyclicity and ovulation and improve the likelihood of conception. In this article, we will discuss the effect of obesity upon key reproductive mechanisms and its relation to fertility treatments.
What is solution for mid-life early Vata disorder?
There are many solutions. Some of them are listed here:
1) Surya Namaskar every morning.
2) Worship Hanuman ji
3) Abhyang – Tel malish daily before taking bath (45 mins before) – Sesame oil AND Head malish after taking last meal of the day, before sleeping.
4) Fasting on Saturday
5) Turmeric and Ginger – include as medicine. Esp. during monsoon.
Thanks for the article insightful as usual. 🙂
Just to add to solutions: without Basti most remedies to balance vata doshas does not work. Personal experience, I am vata predominant from childhood.
Also, ghee has to be consumed in right amounts to pacify vata, increase #marutmicrobes.
As always, sensible suggestion! 🙂 Thank you!
Investigating the relationship between mid-life obesity and changes in the brain leading to Alzheimer s disease later in life