- Viral particles cannot live in acidic indoor air
- Air conditioners remove particles that maintains acidity of indoor air
- Healthy acidic indoor air is possible using Agnihotra\Homa\Havan
Part 1 – Indoor Air PH
Our body is reflection of the universe. The way we strive to balance PH of the body (Acidic or Alkaline), we also need to maintain PH of our local environment.
Our Indoor air can be acidic or alkaline.
Viruses are free-radical particles. Their structure surives in aerosols. Aerosols are exhaled by us continously. When we breath, speak, sneeze or cough, we emit tiny aerosol particles of mucus and saliva containing viruses. These aerosol particles can lose much of their water and absorb acidic compounds from the surrounding air. Exhaled aerosol particles can absorb volatile acids and other airborne substances, among them acetic acid, nitric acid or ammonia, from the indoor air, which in turn affects the acidity (pH) levels of the particles.
Reference: https://ethz.ch/en/news-and-events/eth-news/news/2022/12/acids-help-against-airborne-viruses.html
In typical indoor air, it took these droplets only about 100 seconds to reach a pH of 4, which is roughly equivalent to the acidity of orange juice.
The researchers contend that the acidification of aerosols is largely due to nitric acid that enters from the outside air. It enters indoor spaces either through open windows or when ventilation systems draw in air from outside. Nitric acid is formed by the chemical transformation of nitrogen oxides (NOx), which are released into the environment mainly as a product of combustion processes along with the exhaust gases of diesel engines and domestic furnaces. Accordingly, there is a permanent supply of nitrogen oxides and thus nitric acid in cities and metropolitan areas.
Nitric acid quickly adheres to surfaces, furniture, clothing and skin – but is taken up by the tiny exhaled aerosol particles as well. This increases their acidity and lowers their pH.
Virus Particles don’t survive in acidic aerosols for long.
Part 2 – AC and other Air filteration reduces acidity of indoor air
Air filters remove volatile content from air so acidic content is removed. Exhaled aerosols become super spreader for viral infections.
Even normal air conditioning systems with air filters can lead to a reduction in volatile acids. “Acid removal is likely even more pronounced in museums, libraries or hospitals with activated carbon filters. In such public buildings, the relative risk of influenza transmission can increase significantly compared to buildings supplied with unfiltered outside air,” the team writes in the article.
Part 3 : Healthy and unhealthy volatile compounds and role of Agnihotra
Volatile compounds in air are two types. One which are part of outside air pollution, wall-paint particles, are not good for health. Read below old articles on it:
Household chemicals and gut microbiome – Prachodayat
दीपावलीपे घर सफाई क्यूँ? Your Toxic Home Dust is Making you Fat – Prachodayat
Agnihotra can help in more than one ways. In above context, it will generate healthy phenols that can keep the air acidic (and so kill the viruses). And these phenols when breathed in, acts as medicine for body too. Read old articles on it:
हवन – Ultimate Medicine when performed right – Prachodayat
Breathing, Nitric Oxide and Protection against Viral infections – Prachodayat
Agnihotra could clear the air in more ways than one – Prachodayat