हवन – Ultimate Medicine when performed right


Agni, Fire, Medicine

हवन – Ultimate Medicine when performed right


मु॒ञ्चामि॑ त्वा ह॒विषा॒ जीव॑नाय॒ कम॑ज्ञातय॒क्ष्मादु॒त रा॑जय॒क्ष्मात् । ग्राहि॑र्ज॒ग्राह॒ यदि॑ वै॒तदे॑नं॒ तस्या॑ इन्द्राग्नी॒ प्र मु॑मुक्तमेनम् ॥

(त्वा) तुझे (अज्ञात यक्ष्मात्) गर्भ से या माता पिता के पास से उत्पन्न हुए रोग से (उत) और (राजयक्ष्मात्) सकारण राजयक्ष्मा से (जीवनाय कम्) जीवन के लिए सुखपूर्वक (हविषा) हवन से (मुञ्चामि) छुड़ाता हूँ – पृथक् करता हूँ (यदि वा) यदि तो (एतत् – एनम्) इस रोगी को (ग्राहिः) वातव्याधि ने (जग्राह) पकड़ लिया (तस्याः) उससे (इन्द्राग्नी) वायु और होमाग्नि ये दोनों (एनं प्र मुमुक्तम्) इसको छुड़ा देवे || १||

रोगी को यदि जन्म से माता पिता से आया हुआ रोग हो अथवा राजयक्ष्मा भारी रोग हो , मानसिक वात व्याधि रोग हो तो होम द्वारा दूर हो सकते हैं, उनका और कोई ओषध नहीं हैं || १ ||

Fire ritual is a medicine for all diseases with unknown origins as well as क्षय.

I won’t spend time explaining role of GABA, Serotonin, NMDA Receptor, Nitrix oxide , antioxidants and 5-HIAA in optimum health state. Go and google about it. What I will share here is the role of अग्निहोत्र/Homa/Havan in helping us maintaining the optimum state.

The constitution of the WHO states “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.[1]

This may sound exaggerated but positive mood within the normal range is an important predictor of health and longevity. In a classic study, those in the lowest quartile for positive emotions, rated from autobiographies written at a mean age of 22 years, died on average 10 years earlier than those in the highest quartile.[1]

Even taking into account possible confounders, other studies “found the same solid link between feeling good and living longer.”12 In a series of recent studies, negative emotions were associated with increased disability due to mental and physical disorders,22 increased incidence of depression,23 increased suicide24 and increased mortality25 up to 2 decades later. Positive emotions protected against these outcomes. [1]

Don’t wait for mimicking west when they prove the invaluable importance of sacrificial fire in our life. Go back to roots. Learn and perform Agnihotra daily.

Western medicine is working hard to come up with nasal pathway based medicines. It is stupid to torture digestive track by chemicals for chemical engineering hide and seek in body.

Hope Indian universities do more research on it and help common mass!

Btw, we have not even considered benefits of Ghee and cow dung here!!

[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2077351/
[2] Image reference: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4724851/


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