Gurukul Pre-requisites : Are parents ready?


Education, EducationVision, Guru, Gurukul

I was reading some old books of my great grand father. One of them, of text book for Ayurveda, had pre-conditions for entry in Ayurveda school

1) Student should be able to speak in mother tongue flawlessly
2) Student should be able to chant, understand and memorize at least 5 Sanskrit verses daily.
3) Student should wake up before sunrise and join mass Surya Namaskar , Sandhya and pranayam

This was under British raj. Before 1912.

If you try to introduce such practice in present schools, to prepare kids for higher study, you will be deemed as Communal, Criminal and Loony. Students will go hunger strike.

Result? We get dumb, insensitive, blood-hungry breed of medical professionals who rely on instruments and lab results for diagnosis and pharma companies for medicines.

Even our times Ayurvedic colleges don’t follow these practices.

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