Dhol is therapeutic for Seasonal Change aligned festivity


FestivalDrivenLife, SeasonDrivenFestival

5 years back, I wrote an article on Holi. How Dhol play therapeutic role when played on the Holi celebration or otherwise on auspicious occasions.

My educated friends laughed a lot on it. For them, I am bigoted Hindu who find great in every ritual and festival πŸ™‚

A new study published in PLoS scientifically validates what so many drum circle participants have already experienced first hand: group drumming produces significant changes in well-being, including improvements in depression, anxiety and social resilience.

πŸ˜€ But we are educated. We are rational! We will give profit to antidepressant drug companies but never ever return back to Sanatana culture of celebration!! πŸ˜€


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