Today morning, I observed some caring guardians doing lime wash on tree trunks so thought to share significance of annual whitewash here.
Like us, trees around us too, pass through low immunity stage after monsoon.
If they are lucky and blessed by caring guardians, annual limewash (चूनो) and saffron chalk /Ochre wash (गेरू) acts as immunity booster for them.
If trees are part of natural setup i.e. Jungle, mother nature takes care of them. But in artificial urban/rural setup, we need to take care.

Combination of limewash and saffron chalk wash protects trees from insects and termites.
This ritual is not only limited to trees.
As per traditions, before Diwali, after Navratri, not only trees, annual limewater wash (whitewash) at home was norm. Lime protects us from pathogens proliferated after monsoon as immunity booster. Unfortunately, lime is replaced by dangerous chemical paints who impairs our nervous system by VoC( Volatile organic compounds). Foolish modernity! Costly Emulsion Painted walls does not show only our wealth status but also our ignorance about medicinal value of limewash 🙂. At least in bedroom and Kitchen, we should do whitewash every two years if annual is too much hassle.
Before the advent of chemical-based treatments, traditionally, lime water was being poured into the dug out soil to enhance its anti-termite properties. The annual lime wash done in villages even today is believed to discourage termites from climbing up the wall and destroy the wooden members. However, lime has comparatively shorter effective life – So annual whitewash.
Break your modern life illusion and go back to traditions. It will save your wealth which you can divert for greater societal causes and better health is added benefit!
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