In this series of work-place code of conduct for healthy living and prosperous life, Acharya Charak suggest to have control over extreme state of emotions.
Anger and Lust\Joy.
न क्रोधहर्षावनुविदध्यात्
One should not do things in a fit of anger or rejoicing.
Young generation will often exhibit this trait. Take risks out of thoughtless decisions, as a part of sheer joy or anger\revenge.
Avoid it.
Bhima had this issue and he was well-advised against it. Here is the clue from Mahabahrata:
महापापानि कर्माणि यानि केवलसाहसात् । आरभ्यन्ते भीमसेन व्यथन्ते तानि भारत ।।४।। सुमन्त्रिते सुविक्रान्ते सुकृते सुविचारिते । सिध्यन्त्यर्था महाबाहो दैवं चात्र प्रदक्षिणम् ।।५।। भरतनंदन भीम, केवल साहस के दम पर आरम्भ किये कर्म पापमय और कष्टदायक होते है! महाबाहो! अच्छी तरह से सलाह और विचार करके पुरे पराक्रम प्रकट करते हुए सुन्दररूपसे कार्य किये जाते है वे सफल होते है और उसमे दैव भी अनुकूल हो जाता है!
Anger or Kama have tendency to blindfold the intellect. It not only ruins the results of actions but also engage intellect into immoral activities due to blinded intellect.
The long-term physical effects of uncontrolled anger include increased anxiety, high blood pressure and headache.
Now our favorite part 🙂 : What modern thinkers say about Anger and decision making?
Angry leaders are overeager to act quickly, overconfident in the face of risk, rely too much on stereotypes, reject opposing information, and focus on personal rewards. Angry leaders are decisive but attracted to simplistic, trigger-happy choices.[1]
[1] How Anger Derails Team Decision Making And 5 Ways To Fix It (forbes.com)
I will obey this.