“States not having the required capability for perception-management and for countering the perception management capabilities of not only other States, but also groups posing a threat to their national security and economic well-being, tend to become soft and vulnerable to external forces seeking to undermine the morale and culture of their people and the authority of their Governments.”
Accept it – India is a weak state as far as perception-management is concerned. Knowingly or unknowingly, entertainment industry is being used by Anti-Indian forces to manage popular perceptions.
“The Nazi forces were defeated not only by the superior military might of the Allies, but also by their better propaganda machine and, more particularly, by the British radio broadcasts, which sapped the will of the German people to continue fighting.”
“In October 1993, when the Kashmiri extremists occupied the Hazratbal shrine, the BBC telecast a report alleging that the Indian army had launched an operation Blue Star type raid of the shrine as a result of which it had caught fire. It never corrected this blatantly false report.

In May 1995, after the burning-down of the Charar-e-Sharif holy shrine in Kashmir by the extremists, the BBC, while telecasting the news, showed visuals of Russian-made tanks, apparently to create an impression in the minds of the Muslim viewers that the shrine probably caught fire because of the use of the tanks by the Indian army. When the Government of India protested and pointed out that the same visuals had some days earlier been shown while telecasting the fighting between Russian troops and Muslim extremists in Chechnya, the BBC telecast a correction only in its Asian service and not to the rest of the world. It admitted that the visuals were from Chechnya and not Kashmir and attributed the mistake to a technical mix-up”
Even Today, for example, go to BBC hindi website and you will find daily anti-Indian rants. Some sheer deliberate lies. And believe me, you will find Indians supporting these lies under the label of ‘Being liberal’.
And when you point out deliberate and factually wrong representation of situation in recently released movie, the gullible being liberal Junta, will consider your inputs as communal rants. It is unfortunate but true.
Protecting national interests is like protecting our body from all life-ending situations. One should develop deftness of mind (The hindi word is दक्षता) to sniff anti-national views and make sure to immune friends and families for not falling for prey.
Every time there is mass hysteria generated by Media, I share this paper. I shared it before during Nirbhaya rape case. Then when Movie Haider was released. And now when anti-India elements raising doubts on Indian Army. Govt’s inaction to manage perception always acts against them.
How PR Sold the War in the Persian Gulf
“If I wanted to lie, or if we wanted to lie, if we wanted to exaggerate, I wouldn’t use my daughter to do so. I could easily buy other people to do it.”
–Saud Nasir al-Sabah, Kuwait’s Ambassador to the United States and Canada
Every big media event needs what journalists and flacks alike refer to as “the hook.” An ideal hook becomes the central element of a story that makes it newsworthy, evokes a strong emotional response, and sticks in the memory. In the case of the Gulf War, the “hook” was invented by Hill & Knowlton. In style, substance and mode of delivery, it bore an uncanny resemblance to England’s World War I hearings that accused German soldiers of killing babies.
On October 10, 1990, the Congressional Human Rights Caucus held a hearing on Capitol Hill which provided the first opportunity for formal presentations of Iraqi human rights violations. Outwardly, the hearing resembled an official congressional proceeding, but appearances were deceiving. In reality, the Human Rights Caucus, chaired by California Democrat Tom Lantos and Illinois Republican John Porter, was simply an association of politicians. Lantos and Porter were also co-chairs of the Congressional Human Rights Foundation, a legally separate entity that occupied free office space valued at $3,000 a year in Hill & Knowlton’s Washington, DC office. Notwithstanding its congressional trappings, the Congressional Human Rights Caucus served as another Hill & Knowlton front group, which — like all front groups — used a noble-sounding name to disguise its true purpose.80
Only a few astute observers noticed the hypocrisy in Hill & Knowlton’s use of the term “human rights.” One of those observers was John MacArthur, author of The Second Front, which remains the best book written about the manipulation of the news media during the Gulf War. In the fall of 1990, MacArthur reported, Hill & Knowlton’s Washington switchboard was simultaneously fielding calls for the Human Rights Foundation and for “government representatives of Indonesia, another H&K client. Like H&K client Turkey, Indonesia is a practitioner of naked aggression, having seized … the former Portuguese colony of East Timor in 1975. Since the annexation of East Timor, the Indonesian government has killed, by conservative estimate, about 100,000 inhabitants of the region.”81
Accept it – India is a weak state as far as perception-management is concerned knowingly or unknowingly……..