Water as Medicine – Part 3 – आरोग्याम्बु – Immunity Booster Water!


Dharma, WATER

पादशेषं तु यत्तोयमारोग्याम्बु तदुच्यते आरोग्याम्बु सदा पथ्यं कासश्वासकफापहम् ७०

सद्योज्वरहरं ग्राहि दीपनं पाचनं लघु आनाहपाण्डुशूलार्शो गुल्मशोथोदरापहम् ७१

Boiled water is easy to digest, it increases digestion and absorption of food, removes mala stored in Gut pathway, and ultimately helps to cure upper respiratory infections.

Today, we will talk about boiled water. We are not taking about HOT water. We are talking about boiled water – water that is boiled and cooled down for use.

When we talk about Water, our reductionist training only paint H2O. That is it. And we talk about management of drinking water, RO filter plant comes into picture. There are many important and subtle aspects of drinking water management that we ignore blissfully.

For example: Boiling water. In times like now when our collective immunity is all time low, boiled water plays critical role.

As per Ayurveda, there are plenty of benefits of drinking boiled water, especially during disease condition or during season when body’s digestive fire is low.

Water is only evaluated as chemical by modern science but there are various aspects still not unfolded. Scientists did work on it during early 20th century but did not get consistent results and were ridiculed. No one wish to be ridiculed by fellow scientists and lose grants. So water research is not so attractive for universities. Still, there are scientists working on this important component and finding amazing results.

For example, when you boil the water, it’s composition varies infinitely. Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig[1] in his experiments found that boiled water’s capacity to hold electric charge is increased compare to normal tap water. In terms of Ayurveda, it suggests that, boiled water holds more agni and help body with weak digestive fire to absorb more nutrients and generate less Ama(Toxins).

Boil 1 liter of water and reduce it to 750ml

  • Helps in digestion
  • Increases appetite
  • Helps in reducing joint pain in vata dosha predominantpeople.

Boil 1 liter of water and reduce it to 500ml

  • Good for all Tridoshaja Vyadhies
  • For post therapy of fever
  • For acidity and phlegm in night
  • For vatanulomanam(flatulence)
  • For rheumatoid arthritis

Boil 1 liter of water and reduce it to 250ml

  • Best water for health ,known as AROGYA AMBU
  • Helps in Panchakarma therapy (Detox Therapy)
  • Best in hypo thyroid’s, obesity, excess sleep, Diabetes Mellitus, all varieties of vomiting and dehydration.
  • Best water to be consumed in Rainy season.

Boiled and cooled water helps to reduce acidity, alcoholism, hot flushes, diarrhea, bleeding, giddiness ,thirst etc. [2]

In pandemic times, don’t forget to drink boiled water. It is not just to reduce impurities but also to increase your own vigor and health.

[1] http://www.umh-umwelttechnologien.at/pdf_englisch/engl_ludwig_art.pdf

[2] http://janakimadhavamayurvedic.com/blog-details/34

संदर्भ : भावप्रकाश

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