Difference between modern architectural skills and Vastu is negation of subtle health aspects in former. While Vastu takes care of all layers (पंचकोश शरीर) of our existence, modern education of architecture lacks it.
Louvre Museum is a most visited museum of the world. 30000 visitors per day!
Despite such a huge visitors count, surprisingly, air microbes of this place are pretty stable as per this research [1].
This gives support to my understanding that each place has its own प्राणिक footprint. Each individual has its own प्राणिक footprint.
We travel with our microbial or Prana cloud. Like magnet has its field, we have our प्राणमय शरीर. We exchange our Prana with others at public place and workplace. We exchange our Prana with places.
We are affected by प्राण of fellow living beings but we can hardly alter प्राण of place or inanimate objects. Like this Louvre room experiment. But the place can impact us for sure.
Sick building syndrome (SBS) is used to describe situations in which building occupants experience acute health and comfort effects that appear to be linked to time spent in a building, but no specific illness or cause can be identified.
This is where significance of Vastu comes into light. Planned and compatible homes and workplace will give you stable and compatible प्राण. And so bacterias accordingly.
In modern close door work-places (and day-care and schools), there is supreme chaos. Our microbial cloud or प्राणिक cloud continuously interact with others. And their sicknesses. On top of it, close door filth, artificial fragrances and all – they consume Prana too.
Low Prana => Aging, Dry skin, Grey hairs, Low digestive fire, Frequent Viral infections, Vata disorders
1) At least wash face, hands and legs after visiting public place or strangers. Take bath if possible
2) In AC offices, take break and go breathe fresh air. Drink plenty of water. Take walk in breaks if possible. Wash face and hands. Oil your hair regularly to avoid dryness due to AC.
[1] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23710880
Stability of airborne microbes in the Louvre Museum over time.
The microbial content of air has as yet been little described, despite its public health implications, and there remains a lack of environmental microbial data on airborne microflora in enclosed spaces. In this context, the aim of this study was to characterize the diversity and dynamics of airborne microorganisms in the Louvre Museum using high-throughput molecular tools and to underline the microbial signature of indoor air in this human-occupied environment. This microbial community was monitored for 6 month during occupied time. The quantitative results revealed variations in the concentrations of less than one logarithm, with average values of 10(3) and 10(4) Escherichia coli/Aspergillus fumigatus genome equivalent per m(3) for bacteria and fungi, respectively. Our observations highlight the stability of the indoor airborne bacterial diversity over time, while the corresponding eukaryote community was less stable. Bacterial diversity characterized by pyrosequencing 454 showed high diversity dominated by the Proteobacteria which represented 51.1%, 46.9%, and 38.4% of sequences, for each of the three air samples sequenced. A common bacterial diversity was underlined, corresponding to 58.4% of the sequences. The core species were belonging mostly to the Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria, and to the genus Paracoccus spp., Acinetobacter sp., Pseudomonas sp., Enhydrobacter sp., Sphingomonas sp., Staphylococcus sp., and Streptococcus sp.