Trees and plants are record keepers


Food, Trees

Trees and plants are called औषध in Veda. It is not a random statement! They indeed are! Plant based Food is our primary medicine!

Longer the tree lives, more it can codify environment markers into fruit’s genes (आम,जामुन ). Global environment markers like movement of Nakshtra, Son, Moon and local environment markers like soil, rain, humidity, thoughts and intention of the keepers\farmers\humans in local area. One can beat any climate change! Think about it! And when the fruit comes from short-lived plants like grains,we store grains for 365 days or more and then eat! Each biological piease, be it seed or tree, continously record the environmental factors (gross like rain and heat, subtle like thoughts of keepers\farmers in local environment)

Fruit trees and food crops are fore-tellers. They are essential element in food feedback chain. They predict the future (based on past and present) and parcel protection as fruits for पशु (including humans). So that we can face the challenges in form of extreme weather events.

You many call it antioxidant and what not. Basically, it is God’s blessings.

And for this reason, only local fruits and crops are advisable. Exotic does not help much as they codify properties based on their local environment.

1 thought on “Trees and plants are record keepers”

  1. नमस्ते
    आप बहुत ग्यानी है होसके तो हिन्दी प्रदान करने की कृपा करें
    में मोरबी गुजरात से हूं


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