5 – श्राद्ध विज्ञान भाग 4 : आधुनिक पितृ दोष कारक परिबल: आर्टफिशल प्रकाश





Few years back, I wrote “LED is IED(Scheduled Catastrophic event like time-bomb)”. And I was labelled “Anti-National” for opposing LED Revolution in country.

As per research The Smart devices are making youth impotent

There are three types of पितर (1) दिव्य (ब्रह्मांड स्थित सोम प्रभाव) (2) ऋतु (ऋतु नियंत्रित पृथ्वी के वातावरण स्थित सोम प्रभाव) (3) प्रेत (Our ancestors or their gift received in body), विद्युत उपकरणों से ऋतु पितर निर्बल होते है और उनका सीधा प्रभाव हमारे शरीर स्थित शुक्र पर होती है ।

LED कलियुग का पितृ दोष है!

Greater self-reported exposure to light-emitting media devices in the evening and after bedtime is associated with a decline in sperm quality. Sperm concentration, motility and progressive motility — the ability of sperm to “swim” properly — were all lower, and the percentage of immotile sperm that are unable to swim was higher, in men who reported more smartphone and tablet usage at night.

👉 My Take 👉 Not able to procreate is just one effect of impotency! The impact of poor Virya is also reflected in Mental and Physical virility! Sperm is mere one medium. The same Virya in all body cells reduces and weaken with artificial light. Making generations more and more weak, zombie and short lived.

  • Avoid artificial light after sunset
  • No gadgets 2 hrs before sleep
  • Expose your self to moon-light, sun-light as much as possible.

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