Parents’ teen age secures child’s future

Nisarg Joshi

ChildPlanning, Parenting, Teen


Old note on parenting for teen age:

Right Age, Right Actions : No? Yes to Cervical cancer

This life is continuous uninterrupted journey. All our actions are recorded secretly (चित्रगुप्त या गुप्त चित्र) and passed on to next generation! Only selfish generation with think for self and never care about the future generations. Nothing but civilization blunder & societal suicide.

We are nothing but a link between past and future! Perform your duty well. Nurture your kids well so that they too can play their role efficiently.

Most important section of childhood is teen-age. Time when a kid is mature enough to know many things, developing layer upon layer on Ego in absence of right life-oriented education and a guide. This will turn them into yet another adult ready to be slave of master-slave system prevailing in the world.

We must act to break this chain. Read this research to realize importance of teen-parenting, role of resident Guru-centered schooling during teen age and


Adolescence and the next generation

Adolescent growth and social development shape the early development of offspring from preconception through to the post-partum period through distinct processes in males and females. At a time of great change in the forces shaping adolescence, including the timing of parenthood, investments in today’s adolescents, the largest cohort in human history, will yield great dividends for future generations.

Puberty marks a transition to adolescence and a life phase during which girls and boys acquire resources that are essential for becoming parents of the next generation. It also marks the beginning of reproductive life with a transition to functional gamete production. The preconceptional phase (that is, adolescence) varies markedly in length carrying implications for the acquisition of the social, financial and educational assets and nutritional, health and interpersonal risks that underlie intergenerational processes. The three months before conception is a time of male and female gamete maturation when parental exposures, including nutrition, obesity, substance use, stress, endocrine disruptors and physical activity may influence gamete structure and function. Periconception includes fertilization of the maternal and paternal gametes as well as the zygote and embryonic phases that are sensitive to the maternal nutritional and hormonal environment. There continue to be direct maternal effects antenatally mediated through the in utero environment and postnatally through nutrition (for example, breastfeeding) and the maternal–infant relationship. Direct paternal influences grow in the postnatal phase through the paternal–infant relationship and potentially through risk exposures, such as paternal tobacco use. Maternal and paternal health, behaviour as well as social and economic circumstances continue to have an indirect effect on offspring development in both antenatal and postnatal phases.


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