पंडित कौन ?



बच्चोको मात्र ढोंगी पंडित ही पढाया जाता है! अधिकतर लोगोको इसकी कोई पीड़ा नहीं!

So what your kids are learning at school?

Story of ढोंगी पंडित or मुर्ख पंडित. Do you think this educated breed will ever respect the roots? And they are never exposed to real पंडित ! पंडित is made insult or joke for them by modern education!

Who is पंडित?

तत्त्वज्ञः सर्वभूतानां योगज्ञः सर्वकर्मणाम्।
उपायज्ञो मनुष्याणां नरः पण्डित उच्यते ।।


सब भुतोको तत्वसे जानने वाला (The one who can see through the different layers of the mind and know the real self of each individual), सब कर्मोकी गति जानने वाला (the one who knows consequences of all actions possible), मनुष्योमे उपाय जाननेवाला (Problem resolver – the one who can solve everyone’s issues) – He is Pandit!

Lack of Pandit(s) in society -> Chaos and confusion -> Zombies and slaves

We deserve this state when we teach and restrict imagination of kids to ढोंगी पंडित or मुर्ख पंडित.

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