Mixed Chemicals in Beauty Products May Harm Women’s Hormones


Chemicals, Uncategorized


सबसे बड़ा भय भारतके ग्रामीण घरोंमें और गरीब-माध्यम वर्गीय परिवारोंकी स्त्री शक्ति पर है | इनको प्रचार माध्यम सौन्दर्य प्रसाधनोकी लत लगा देते है और बाद में वो जो खरीदते है वह एकदम ख़राब गुणवत्ता वाले  हानिकारक द्रव्योंका एक झोल मात्र होता है! त्वचा से लेकर केंसर – सब कुछ शक्य है! हार्मोनल बदलाव, मानसिक विकार को बढावा दे कर, फेमिनिज़म जैसे दूषणभी गाँव गाँव ले जाते है! बीमारी बेच कर चीन कमाता है! सबसे बड़े अपराधी है बोलीवुड, विज्ञापन संस्थाए और प्रचार माध्यम! आपके घरेकी नारी शक्तिको जागरुक करिए!

As we go about our daily lives, we are exposed to many different chemicals that could have negative effects on our hormones. These hormonal changes have been linked to several adverse health outcomes such as breast cancer and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, understanding chemicals that influence hormone levels is important for public health—and particularly for women’s health—since their exposure to these chemicals is often higher due to their presence in beauty and personal care products.

“What we should take away from this study is that we may need to be careful about the chemicals in the beauty and personal care products we use,” explains Pollack. “We have early indicators that chemicals such as parabens may increase estrogen levels. If this finding is confirmed by additional research, it could have implications for estrogen dependent diseases such as breast cancer.”


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