अन्न ग्रहण काल चयन से स्वास्थ्य स्थिरता


Dharma, MealTime, MealTiming

आजकल अधिकांश लोगों को भौतिक क्षुधा से अधिक मानसिक क्षुधा लगती है। मानसिक तनाव को कम करने, मन, दुष्कर परिस्थिति से हटने हेतु, हमको भोजन का विकल्प देता है और हम कभी भी अन्न ग्रहण करते है, कुछ भी अन्न ग्रहण करते है। यह जो काल की अवमानना है वह बड़े विपरीत भविष्य को निर्माण करता है।

कसमय भोजन से मेदस्व बढ़ता है, जैविक काल यंत्र बिगड़ता है, जरा अवस्था जल्दी आती है, बुद्धि मूढ़ हो जाती है, मनन शक्ति क्षीण होती है और रोगप्रतिकारकता निकृष्ट होती है!

आयुर्वेद अनुसार, आंतरिक अग्नि को वाह्य अग्नि काल से सम्मिलित करना चाहिए। जब वातावरण में पित्त प्रभावी हो तब ही भोजन करना चाहिए। पित्त काल के बीतने पर,यदि भूख लगती है तो संभव हो तीन कम अन्न ग्रहण करो।

Meal timing – When you EAT matters most!

Have a habit of eating at same time everyday. ZERO Tolerance.

No random munch breaks.


Height of arrogance is easy to detect in urban educated Indian.

Uprooted from culture, surrendered to mimicry enforced by market forces!

Totally suicidal living!

Who cares? There is only one life, enjoy! 😃

If you ask them that time when you eat is critical, they laugh on you! 😃

And then when obesity or low immunity strikes with full force, they again find instant solution in excessive exercise and unscientific diet control (which again creates situation like low-carb body, prone to heart attacks)! 😃 And still continue with idiotic habit of eating anything at any time! 🙁

We not only ruin our lives but also spoil kids. Take care.


A new high-precision feeding system for lab mice reinforces the idea that the time of day food is eaten is more critical to weight loss than the amount of calories ingested.

Mice on a reduced calorie plan that ate only during their normal feeding/active cycle were the only ones among five groups to lose weight, despite consuming the same amount as another group fed during their rest time in daylight, according to the study at UT Southwestern Medical Center.

“Translated into human behavior, these studies suggest that dieting will only be effective if calories are consumed during the daytime when we are awake and active. They further suggest that eating at the wrong time at night will not lead to weight loss even when dieting,” said Dr. Joseph S. Takahashi, Chairman of Neuroscience at UT Southwestern’s Peter O’Donnell Jr. Brain Institute and Investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.



Old post on same topic

Early Evening Meal keeps body fat under control – Prachodayat

Midnight Munches to Irregular Meals : Memory Disorders to Cancer – Prachodayat

दिनचर्या: Meal Timing : Key to managing Diseases – Prachodayat

Cancerous Meal : Eat Late in night, Eat Anytime – Prachodayat

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