Infection : Fear based management vs Host Condition improvement


Fear, Virus, Virus Fear

I avoided writing about microbes during lockdown hysteria. I did not want to disturb the common psyche, even though it was scared or fear based. But now, it seems the water is going above the neck. Fear about something that we can’t really avoid i.e. microbes, will increase the probability of catching up with such conditions.
I don’t deny the precautions. We must take them but please! Don’t be in hyper warrior type state! It looks exactly how small kids fill in their simulation of war games! Artificially excited!
Yes, people are catching up with the viral conditions. More than natural. And there are surely some biomarkers at work. But at the same time, unless they are real toxins, the human immunity or host conditions has upper hand to keep them under control.
Improve your host conditions at any cost but don’t live under the perpetual fear!
Host conditions can be improved easily.
(1) Take care of sleep. Sound deep sleep is must to purge toxins from body daily. ZERO TOLERANCE
(2) Food – Eat 20% less than hunger. Eat as per season. No taste-lust!
(3) Perform restraint of senses all the time
Don’t suffocate self by all so called weapons. Avoid if possible! Keep improving your host conditions, your bodily conditions – that is the only thing in your hand! Avoid all unnecessary travel and gathering. Maintain the safe distance…but don’t live under fear.

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