Non-self vs Microbes – What out body resist?


Microbes, Microbiota

[Wrote this note in 2015]

We lose about 30,000 to 40,000 dead skin cells every minute.We “shed” our skin and replace it with a new one every 2-4 weeks! In fact, most of the dust in your house is made of dead skin cells!
Even at wound location, dead cells, which were own-self few minutes back, are treated as non-self and treated like any other microbe/fungi/virus.

This is vital indication that Human immune system is not so much antimicrobial or antiviral as it is anti–non-self.

So much of brainwashing in last century about Microbes as enemy, virus as enemy, nature as enemy, is hurting our immunity (Self-identity) greatly. We really don’t need any anti-organism agents. Our body is intelligent enough to clean non-self elements. That is real immunity.

Hence, plague of immune system disorders. Various levels of identity crisis.

Potent solution is: Self-realization by Meditation and concentration. This is possible when mind is calm and stable. Calm and stable mind is possible when you spend good amount of time with mother nature.

Experimental suggestions:
1) Spend at least sunrise and sunset time with mother nature.
2) Plan at least 1 trip to mountain, river, jungle for a week period during period of 1 year.
3) Develop interest in gardening, farming, tree plantation.


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