Inflammation is your body’s first line of defense against infection and injury. This process normally shuts down after healing occurs.
But trouble can arise when the inflammation process gets stuck “on” and doesn’t know when to stop.
Then inflammation can turn on your body, attacking healthy cells, blood vessels, and tissues instead of protecting them.
This is called chronic or systemic inflammation.
You can develop chronic inflammation anywhere in the body — including the brain.
Unlike the inflammation of an injury or arthritis, brain inflammation doesn’t cause pain since the brain has no pain receptors.
But that doesn’t mean it’s not there, causing hidden damage to your most vital organ.
As per this[1] research, depression is linked to brain inflammation.
As per this[2] research, Gut microbes protects against brain inflammation.
Antibiotics, Highly acidic processed food, chemical ingredients – We are daily waging war against our friends. 🙁
And we complain about Alzheimer, Parkinson’s, Aggression, Autism, Asthma, Suicides, Dumb, Zombiness… 🙁 That is what we deserve.
[1] http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=2091919
Role of Translocator Protein Density, a Marker of Neuroinflammation, in the Brain During Major Depressive Episodes
Elaine Setiawan, PhD1,2; Alan A. Wilson, PhD1,2,3; Romina Mizrahi, MD, PhD1,2,3,4; Pablo M. Rusjan, PhD1,2; Laura Miler, HBSc1,2; Grazyna Rajkowska, PhD5; Ivonne Suridjan, HBSc1,2,4; James L. Kennedy, MD1,2,3,4; P. Vivien Rekkas, PhD1,2; Sylvain Houle, MD, PhD1,2,3; Jeffrey H. Meyer, MD, PhD, FRCPC1,2,3,4
The neuroinflammatory hypothesis of major depressive disorder is supported by several main findings. First, in humans and animals, activation of the immune system causes sickness behaviors that present during a major depressive episode (MDE), such as low mood, anhedonia, anorexia, and weight loss. Second, peripheral markers of inflammation are frequently reported in major depressive disorder. Third, neuroinflammatory illnesses are associated with high rates of MDEs. However, a fundamental limitation of the neuroinflammatory hypothesis is a paucity of evidence of brain inflammation during MDE. Translocator protein density measured by distribution volume (TSPO VT) is increased in activated microglia, an important aspect of neuroinflammation.
[2] http://today.duke.edu/2015/07/wormsonthebrain