It is your self-denial that stops you embracing ageless local culture back in life routine and get benefits of health society. Self denial mode is a biggest road block created by modern education. Unfortunately for so called educated, anything out of text book is humbug and fake. For them, real experience and experiments don’t matter but staged lab results like fake clinical trials.
Break your comfort zone of self-denial and dare to live life as per local culture.
Free radicals are everywhere, in the air, our bodies, and the materials around us. They cause the deterioration of plastics, the fading of paint, the degradation of works of art, aging related illnesses, and can contribute to heart attacks, stroke and cancers.
Free radicals are molecules with unpaired electrons. In their quest to find another electron, they are very reactive and cause damage to surrounding molecules.
It is one of the reasons why we see rapid aging & imbecility in our youth.
Free of cost solution?
Gau seva and Gau Prasad
When Gau is revered like a mata and taken care like your own mother, she takes care of you like a son and bestows magical boons.
Gau mutra act as an agent of radical scavenging which captures free radicals and satiates there energy needs. A vast amount of circumstantial evidence implicates free radicals as the mediators of wide range of diseases including diabetes, ageing, cancer, etc. Gau mutra can cure all of them magically.
If we want to stop Cow slaughter, best way is not the Milk production but by establishing usage of all her various prasads including Gau mutra in our society.

Medicinal use of cow urine has been in practice since time immemorial in India. It is one of the ingredients in “Panchgavya”. Several medicinal properties of cow urine have been mentioned and in Indian tradition it is believed to have therapeutic properties. In the present investigation antioxidant activity of cow urine (fresh) and its distillate was evaluated using two in vitro models i.e. Total antioxidant activity by ABTS method and DPPH radical scavenging activity. Both cow urine and its distillate exhibited the antioxidant activity. The IC50 value for ABTS radical scavenging activity of fresh urine was found to be 69.39 μl/ml and that of urine distillate was 86.91μl/ml. IC50 value for free radical scavenging activity of fresh urine and its distillate was found to be 5.25 μl/ml and 7.37 μl/ml respectively. Comparatively cow urine was found to be better antioxidant than its distillate. This supports the claim of traditional practitioners. The revealed antioxidant property of cow urine and its distillate may provide potential therapeutic intervention against oxidative threats, both in healthy and disease conditions.