Diwali demands नवरात्र मंथन


FestivalDrivenLife, Festivals

Diwali demands नवरात्र मंथन. Despite you see so much chaos around, remember one thing: Nothing is random on this land. Nothing when followed based on calendar reflecting Sun-Moon cycles. Nothing. Period.

Where there is a मंथन, there is a nectar for sure. Nectar that gives new life to those who are involved in the churning and those who receives it as prasad. However, quality of the nectar depends upon two : Right way of churning (प्रक्रिया ) and Right raw material (पात्रता ).

पात्रता & प्रक्रिया : Do we strive to improve?

Navratri comes and go but instead of improving पात्रता & प्रक्रिया (so that we can receive the nectar), there is disintegration of पात्रता & प्रक्रिया.

Think about it.

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