Dincharya saves you from Breast Cancer


Ayurveda, Dinacharya, Dincharya

At Prachodayat, we have always put more weight on our life routine. If our life routine is not in sync with time of the day and season of the year, it will trigger one or more sickness conditions.

आयुर्वेद अनुसार , देश, काल, आयु अनुसार दिनचर्या स्वास्थ्य रक्षामें महत्वपूर्ण है ! आजकल हम शरीर विरुद्ध ही चर्या करते है | इसकी विपरीत असर के रूप में केंसर जैसे भयानक रोग जन्म लेते है ! आयुर्वेदने  स्वास्थ्यके तीन  स्तंभ  बताए है | आहार – निद्रा  – ब्रह्मचर्य। ब्रह्मचर्यका अर्थ है ऋत (eternal  flow of the universe) के अनुसार जीवन जीना | दिनचर्या !

कार्तिक २०७५ सरस्वती उपासक शिबिर : We discussed this issue at length. Mother is first Guru. Not only for लौकिक ज्ञान but also for life long molecular setup! Mother’s life routing play critical role in shaping internal clocks of kid.


व्रती माताकी दिनचर्या -> Internal body clocks for kid in sync

For years, doctors have associated the BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations with an increased risk of breast cancer.

But researchers at Texas A&M University have now identified another gene that may have an impact on breast cancer—associated with the body’s circadian rhythm.

For years, doctors have associated the BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations with an increased risk of breast cancer.

But researchers at Texas A&M University have now identified another gene that may have an impact on breast cancer—associated with the body’s circadian rhythm.

Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences professor Weston Porter and his team have found that Period 2 (Per2), a regulatory mechanism within each cell’s peripheral clock, plays a crucial function in mammalian mammary gland development and that when suppressed, Per2 leads to severely disrupted gland development in mice.

The findings, published in the scientific journal Development, add to a growing list that ties disruptions to our circadian rhythm—that is, the “central clock” mechanism in our brains—to a higher risk of cancer progression, obesity, some neuromuscular diseases, and other impairments, including jetlag.

Circadian rhythm is controlled by the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in the brain’s anterior hypothalamus. In addition to coordinating our sleep patterns, the SCN coordinates the other peripheral clocks in our body, which run on a 24-hour cycle that corresponds with each day.

“Not only do we have a central clock, but every one of our cells has one of these peripheral clocks and they’re in coordination with the central clock,” Porter said. “When you wake up in the morning and see light, the light goes right into the brain and it triggers this molecular mechanism that regulates the (circadian rhythm) process.”

Texas A&M Study Links Breast Cancer To The Body’s Internal Clock – Texas A&M Today (tamu.edu)

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