Original image: http://news.rice.edu/files/2017/07/0612_BIOCHAR-3-rn-24jmlns.jpg
Holy Agnihotra Ash. The missing gap is, holy ash. It is not just sacrificial fire that purifies air but also holy ash!!
We perform Holika Dahan.
We also play with the mud.
But we forgot the holy ash.
Don’t miss to apply ash of Holika dahan on forehead of each-other. Mud is an extension of holy ash.
विभूति(Holy Ash) is the key. Don’t miss.
‘प्रभाते बिमले जाते ह्यंगे भस्म च कारयेत्। सर्वागे च ललाटे च क्रीडितव्यं पिशाचवत्॥
सिन्दरै: कुंकुमैश्चैव धूलिभिर्धूसरो भवेत्। गीतं वाद्यं च नृत्यं च कृर्याद्रथ्योपसर्पणम् ॥
ब्राह्मणै: क्षत्रियैर्वैश्यै: शूद्रैश्चान्यैश्च जातिभि:। एकीभूय प्रकर्तव्या क्रीडा या फाल्गुने सदा। बालकै: वह गन्तव्यं फाल्गुन्यां च युधिष्ठिर ॥’
वर्षकृत्यदीपक (पृ0 301)
Clean India? Svacchch Bharat? Without stopping cow-slaughter?
Society that throws away cow dung and urine is disfigured.
यदस्याः पल्पूलनं शकृद्दासी समस्यति ।
ततोऽपरूपं जायते तस्मादव्येष्यदेनसः ।। अथर्व 12-4-9
Throwing away in to waste the Cow Dung and Cow
Urine disfigures the society.
गोबर गोमूत्र व्यर्थ करने से समाज के रूप की सुन्दरता नष्ट हो जाती
है ।
For Manu, dung ash has utmost importance in maintaining societal fabric.
These references from Manu Smriti signifies priceless value of Holy Ash of Gau maa’s Prasad.
तैजसानां मणीनां च सर्वस्याश्ममयस्य च ।
भस्मनाद्भिर्मृदा चैव शुद्धिरुक्ता मनीषिभिः । ।
The wise ordain that all (objects) made of metal, gems, and anything made of stone are to be cleansed with ashes, earth, and water. (Who needs washing powder? )
न मूत्रं पथि कुर्वीत न भस्मनि न गोव्रजे । ।
Do not spoil sacred ash. (It is like spoiling your daily medicines, supplements! Will you do it?)
वेणुवैदलभाण्डानां लवणानां तथैव च ।
मृण्मयानां च हरणे मृदो भस्मन एव च ।
Double the fine when someone steal holy Ash. ( More than gold!)
This shows importance of dung ash.Cycle of destruction started by occupying minds of locals. First, they made Manu and his teaching irrelevant by changing education system. Once Manu became irrelevant and controversial, गौ became just another animal on the street. Now, गौ has become irrelevant…
Can we clean Bharat Bhumi without Gau mata and Homa? I doubt.
Gau seva and Homa were primary duties of the Grihasthi. No more followed now. So we do not have Gau and ash both.
So what do we do after cleaning the public place?
DDT? Is it environment friendly? Is it healthy friendly? Google and find out. Is it really a cleaning?
Solution is in Manu’s code. Follow his instruction. Bring back Gau mata in your life again. Bring back Agni-Fire ritual back in the life.
Valuing the air quality effects of biochar reductions on soil NO emissions
While it is clear that biochar can alter soil N2O emissions, data on NO impacts are scarce. Reports range from 0-67% soil NO emission reductions post-biochar amendment. We use regional air quality and health cost models to assess how these soil NO reductions could influence U.S. air quality and health costs. We find that at 67% soil NO reduction, widespread application of biochar to fertilized agricultural soils could reduce O3 by up to 2.4ppb and PM2.5 by up to 0.15µg/m3 in some regions. Modeled biochar-mediated health benefits are up to $4.3 million/county in 2011, with impacts focused in the Midwest and Southwest. These potential air quality and health co-benefits of biochar use highlight the need for an improved understanding of biochar’s impacts on soil NO emissions. The benefits reported here should be included with estimates of other biochar benefits, such as crop yield increase, soil water management, and N2O reductions.
Biochar could clear the air in more ways than one
“Our model projections show health care cost savings could be on the order of millions of dollars per year for some urban counties next to farmland,” Pourhashem said. “These results are now ready to be tested by measuring changes in air pollutants from specific agricultural regions.”
Pourhashem noted the key measurements needed are the rate of soil emission of nitric oxide (NO), which is a smog precursor, after biochar is applied to fields. Many studies have already shown that biochar reduces the emissions of a related compound, nitrous oxide, but few have measured NO.
“We know that biochar impacts the soil nitrogen cycle, and that’s how it reduces nitrous oxide,” said Masiello, a professor of Earth, environmental and planetary science. “It likely reduces NO in the same way. We think the local impact of biochar-driven NO reductions could be very important.”
Using the higher figure in their calculations, they determined that a 67 percent reduction in NO emissions in the United States could reduce annual health impacts of agricultural air pollution by up to $660 million. Savings through the reduction of airborne particulate matter — to which NO contributes — could be 10 times larger than those from ozone reduction, they wrote.
doing and propogating agnihotra, really worth doing it, each and every sentence is rightly said by our gurus. realizing the same and day by day since last four years and enjoying.