कुछ अकाट्य तथ्य
- 1997 से बच्चों में खाद्य एलर्जी में लगभग 50% की वृद्धि हुई है।
- प्रत्येक दूसरा व्यक्ति कोई ने कोई ऑटॉइम्यून स्थिति से पीड़ित है।
- बच्चों की रोगप्रतिकारकता निम्न स्तर पर है
समाधान क्या?
गौ माता का सानिध्य
जी हाँ, गौ शैक्षणिक संस्था का अभिन्न अंग हो। बच्चों के वर्ग, गायों के मध्य हो और गौ सेवा दिनचर्या का भाग हो । जी हां, गौशाला ही समाधान है। मैं मित्रों और परिवारजनों को बहुधा गौशाला जाने का सुझाव देता हूं। गौशाला, मंदिर और आधुनिक चिकित्सालयों से भीे सात्विक स्थान है। मैं यह भी सुझाव देता हूं कि दूध और अन्य प्रसाद (मूत्र / गोबर) केवल उन्हीं गौशालाओं से प्राप्त करें जहां माता को प्रसन्न किया जाता है! एक मां की तरह और दूध की मशीन की तरह नहीं।
यह कोरी भावुकता नहीं है! आयुर्वेद का साथ तो है ही पर साथ में आधुनिक विज्ञान का अनुमोदन भी है
- गौ शाला के वातावरण और गाय के शरीर से लगे microbes के संपर्क से हमारी रोगप्रतिकारक शक्ति में वृद्धि होती है
- गाय के प्रसाद घी, दुग्ध आदि से निर्मित कोष्ठ ऐसे microbes को बढ़ने की संभावना बढ़ाता है की जो स्वस्थ जीवन प्रदान करें।
- Pasterurized दूध का सेवन बंध करें और मात्र धीमी आंच पे उबले दूध का सेवन करें। दूध को बार बार उबाले नहीं। यूरोप में, अपाश्चुरीकृत दूध के सेवन को बार-बार एलर्जी की बीमारी से सुरक्षा के साथ जोड़ा गया है। अमेरिका में डॉ. होल्ब्रिच द्वारा अध्ययन किए गए अमिश के 80 प्रतिशत लोग कच्चे दूध का सेवन करते हैं।

Let your growing child get frequent exposure to गौ शाला!
Some harsh reality:
Food allergies have increased about 50% in children since 1997.
I see children with diet restrictions. I see toddlers with long list of ‘No to eat’ list. This is the price we pay for disrespecting microbes, our friends, philosophers and guides.
Microbes can save growing epedemic of allergies. Respect them. Take care of them. Eat GUT-friendly food. Do not treat your body as gutter by eating anything and everything at anytime.
Include microbe-rich ghee, honey, dahi, butter-milk in regular diet.
There are various theories explaining why. One is that the 21st century lifestyle, which includes a diet very different from our ancestors’, lots of antibiotic use, and even a rise in cesarean section deliveries, has profoundly changed the makeup of microbes in the gut of many people in developed countries. For example, the average child in the United States has taken three courses of antibiotics by the time he or she is 2 years old, says Martin Blaser, an infectious disease specialist and microbiologist at New York University in New York City.
Here, I share two important articles to support my claim and unshakable faith on mother.
A gut microbe that stops food allergies
A class of bacteria commonly found in the guts of people—and rodents—appears to keep mice safe from food allergies, a study suggests. The same bacteria are among those reduced by antibiotic use in early childhood. The research fits neatly into an emerging paradigm that helps explain a recent alarming increase in food allergies and other conditions, such as obesity and autoimmune disease, and hints at strategies to reverse the trend.
In one of the latest efforts, Nagler’s team first confirmed that mice given antibiotics early in life were far more susceptible to peanut sensitization, a model of human peanut allergy. Then, they introduced a solution containing Clostridia, a common class of bacteria that’s naturally found in the mammalian gut, into the rodents’ mouths and stomachs. The animals’ food allergen sensitization disappeared, the team reports online today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. When the scientists instead introduced another common kind of healthy bacteria, called Bacteroides, into similarly allergy-prone mice, they didn’t see the same effect. Studying the rodents more carefully, the researchers determined that Clostridia were having a surprising effect on the mouse gut: Acting through certain immune cells, the bacteria helped keep peanut proteins that can cause allergic reactions out of the bloodstream. “The bacteria are maintaining the integrity of the [intestinal] barrier,” Nagler says.
So, conclusion?
A probiotic consisting of Clostridia could be a new allergy therapy. For your surprise, Clostridia bacteria are found in abundance in cowshed! In fact, in all rustic places where humans live with animals! In cowshed, you are exposed to all healthy bacteria along with Clostridia which are not present with other animals.
So by chance if your child is treated with antibiotics ( which we must avoid! ), the best way to recover is to visit nearby Gau shala!! And take blessings of Gau mata!
A Cure for the Allergy Epidemic?
WILL the cure for allergies come from the cowshed?
Allergies are often seen as an accident. Your immune system misinterprets a harmless protein like dust or peanuts as a threat, and when you encounter it, you pay the price with sneezing, wheezing, and in the worst cases, death.
The working hypothesis is that innocuous cowshed microbes, plant material and raw milk protect farming children by favorably stimulating their immune systems throughout life, particularly early on. That spring morning, Dr. Holbreich gave me a tour of the bonanza of immune stimuli under consideration.
This research suggests that farming mothers might benefit from a naturally occurring immunotherapy, one that preprograms the developing fetus against allergic disease. Yet how to apply that therapy deliberately remains unclear. Is “microbial pressure” what matters — a stiff microbial wind in our sails? Or do certain cowshed microbes actually colonize farmers, and favorably calibrate their immune function?
Which brings us to farm milk. In Europe, the consumption of unpasteurized milk has repeatedly correlated with protection against allergic disease. In America, 80 percent of the Amish studied by Dr. Holbreich consume raw milk. In a study published earlier this year, Dr. Schaub’s group showed that European children who consumed farm milk had more of those regulatory T-cells, irrespective of whether they lived on farms. The higher the quantity of those cells, the less likely these children were to be given diagnoses of asthma. Here, finally, is something concrete to take off the farm.
Any doubt? Don’t waste time. If you cannot keep Gau mata at home, get connected with near by ethical Gau shala! Inspire farmers in nearby villages to start Gau shala!
Mother is the only cure!
Can you identify the specific strains of Clos trivia which are beneficial?
Several strains like c.tetani, c.botulinum, c.difficile are essentially pathogenic