Wordy Noise

Nisarg Joshi


Wordy Noise


“For whom your life is consecrated? Dreams or drudgery?”


“Obvious remark. As expected. Are you sure? Is it not your illusory perception? Just like other 98 who also think that they are dedicated dreamers and achievers. Better you drudge and make some good fortune for 2050.”

‎”Maharishi Patanjali, one of the greatest scientists of this land, once said that when you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all of your thoughts break their bonds: your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive and you discover yourself to be a greater person than you ever dreamed yourself to be. I am such dream achiever. I don’t drudge. I don’t live for earning mere bread-butter. I have a purpose and a path to create.”

“Aha. Patanjali quote! You are good at repeating rhetoric and indulging into wordy noise.”

“Sea of words? Wordy noise? Don’t underestimate Patanjali words!”

“What are words? Permutation and combination of alphabets.”

“Yes. And permutation and combination of words make sentences. Sometimes meaningful and many a times totally garbage. What patanjali said is meaningful and inspiring. They are conclusions of his experiments!”

“How many of such words you imbibed in life so far?”

“Millions…may be billion or more.”

“Try to understand. I don’t deny Patanjali or his conclusion. I am talking about wordy pollution you and your generation is facing. You need to understand the difference. Words are not life. Words are mere food for your nervous system. Words fulfill your ego, satisfies your intellectual urge. Mere accumulation of words, wealth of billion or more words you posses in your memory bank is nothing but weight of your brain until they teach you way of living and growth. Patanjali’s conclusion is meaningful for you only if you experience it. Same way, your dreams are meaningful only if you become part of it and execute them in reality.”

PS: This note was written in 2010. I was overwhelmed by amazing numbers. 550,000 books were published last year! 20000 per day! And that only published books! Add million and more blogs! Unpublished drafts! Man! Words everywhere…

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