प्रकृति माँ प्रत्येक प्रदेश में प्रत्येक अन्न हर एक ऋतु में उत्पन्न नहीं करेगी। किन्तु हमारे शरीर को षडरस प्रदान करने वाले सभी सात्विक फल\शबजी आवश्यक है ?
आचार एक प्रक्रिया है जिससे यह संभव है !
– घर पे बनाए आचार में बनानेवाले का प्रेम और प्राण होगा।
– घर पे बनाने पर स्थानीय वातावरण के सूक्ष्म जीवाणु से ही किण्वन(Fermentaion) होगा। फैक्ट्री में रहनेवाले जीवाणु हमारे शरीर से विपरीत हो सकते है ।
– घर पर बनाने पर आधुनिक रसायनों का उपयोग न होगा।
Mother Nature cannot grow mango everywhere and in all seasons. But humans do need them throughout the year to recharge their prana. And this is true for many seasonal food. So she taught us fermentation.
But as usual, such local family efforts cannot earn profit. So humans invented cold storage! Preservatives! 😃. Use all dangerous chemicals so that you can eat favorite fruits and vegetables 365 days and few handful wealthy men can suck profit out of your basic instinct. 🙂
Common sense is supreme. Trust it. Learn art of fermentation and recharge your Prana daily using super-prana-rich fermented food.
Time to store annual pickles.
Why naturally fermented pickles?
Fermentation preserves fruits with natural ways. It produces a much different end result than pickling, which uses vinegar, sugar and/or modern heat canning methods to “cook” the pickles.
A non-fermented pickle is a high sodium, often sugar-laden, dead mango floating in acidic vinegar with (sometimes) Yellow Dye 5, a food additive whose consumption has been researched to correlate to hyperactivity in kids, among other things.
A fermented pickle is not cooked, rather it is raw and unpasteurized, alive and teeming with good bacteria.
These good guy bacteria, a.k.a. probiotics, are defined as bacterial organisms that confer health benefits to their host and are absolutely essential to great health because they support your gut.
What is best way to ferment?
Follow local age-old time-tested methods!