Why feet stinks? To protect you!


Body Odor

Stinking socks?
No, this post is not about onion solution.
Ever thought to common sense solution?
Get rid of socks!
In 90% of hot and humid Bharat, for 90% time of the year, we really don’t need them!
Go bare-foot.
Now, the beneficial stinking!
Feet stinks because microbes produces isoflavic acid, compound that produces stinking smell. These microbes thrives on leucine, an amino acid sweat through feet.
These same microbes produces anti-fungal chemicals. Protects feet from fungal infection, in case of injury.
Solution for stinking socks is to increase blood circulation. Don’t let mother nature detect the aging legs. Revive them. Fungi will stay away. Sweat won’t have much expensive leucine and microbes producing isoflavic acid will remain in control.
Walk more. Barefoot. Exercise more. Don’t suffocate feet in shoes. Keep feet healthy! Take care them as you take care of brain, heart and senses.

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