Vitamin B12 Fear : Habits need overhaul not your nutrients!


Cooking, Food, FoodRespect, FoodSelection, Ghee, MealTiming

Food and water are as sensitive aspects of livelihood as internal and border securities are. We being educated, have developed deep arrogance. “Who cares?” attitude. If someone is not producing kids and living like this, I don’t care. But when you live mindlessly based on own notions, ignoring body and then produce kids, it is worrisome!

You not only ruin your life but also jeopardize 4-7 future generations!

Folate, or folic acid, is a type of B vitamin. It helps to:

– make DNA
– repair DNA
– produce red blood cells (RBCs)

If you don’t have enough folate in your diet, you may end up with a folate deficiency.

Reduced folate levels can cause developmental defects and megaloblastic anemia. Padmanabhan et al. (2013) show that mutation in mice of a folate metabolism gene, Mtrr, which encodes for methionine synthase reductase, causes developmental defects not only in the mutant progeny, but also in genetically wild-type descendants for up to four generations.


What’s the Mtrr with your grandparents?

Reduced folate levels can cause developmental defects and megaloblastic anemia. Padmanabhan et al. (2013) show that mutation in mice of a folate metabolism gene, Mtrr, which encodes for methionine synthase reductase, causes developmental defects not only in the mutant progeny, but also in genetically wild-type descendants for up to four generations.

What is the best source of B12 in our diet ?

Unadulterated Milk and milk products of desi cow. Idea is to stabilize B12 friendly bacteria in GUT. They recycle and re-use most of it.

Vitamin B12 synthesis by human small intestinal bacteria.

In man, physiological amounts of vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) are absorbed by the intrinsic factor mediated mechanism exclusively in the ileum. Human faeces contain appreciable quantities of vitamin B12 or vitamin B12-like material presumably produced by bacteria in the colon, but this is unavailable to the non-coprophagic individual. However, the human small intestine also often harbours a considerable microflora and this is even more extensive in apparently healthy southern Indian subjects. We now show that at least two groups of organisms in the small bowel, Pseudomonas and Klebsiella sp., may synthesise significant amounts of the vitamin.



Vitamin B12-Containing Plant Food Sources for Vegetarians


The usual dietary sources of Vitamin B12 are animal-derived foods, although a few plant-based foods contain substantial amounts of Vitamin B12. To prevent Vitamin B12 deficiency in high-risk populations such as vegetarians, it is necessary to identify plant-derived foods that contain high levels of Vitamin B12. A survey of naturally occurring plant-derived food sources with high Vitamin B12 contents suggested that dried purple laver (nori) is the most suitable Vitamin B12 source presently available for vegetarians. Furthermore, dried purple laver also contains high levels of other nutrients that are lacking in vegetarian diets, such as iron and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Dried purple laver is a natural plant product and it is suitable for most people in various vegetarian groups.


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