Typical Honeymoon vacation : Seeds sown for Vata disorders & indigestion

Nisarg Joshi

Habits, Honeymoon, Kama


भोगा न भुक्ता वयमेव भुक्ताः
तपो न तप्तं वयमेव तप्ताः ।
कालो न यातो वयमेव याताः
तृष्णा न जीर्णा वयमेव जीर्णाः ॥

हमने भोग नहीं भुगते, बल्कि भोगने ही हमें भुगता है; हमने तप नहीं किया, बल्कि हम स्वयं ही तप्त हो गये हैं; काल पसार नहीं हुआ, हम ही पसार हुए हैं; तृष्णा जीर्ण नहीं हुई, पर हम ही जीर्ण हुए हैं

What happens at typical Indian Honeymoon Vacation nights?

Meal, Sex, Sleep, Sex, Meal, Sex and it goes on for a week.

Right? That is where seeds of chronic digestive disorders are sown.

Let the honeymoon period gets over. Now, what?

Observe the image. Irregular and late night meals, immediately followed by sex.

Many of them enjoy sex after afternoon meals too!! 🙁

And there is new trend of Early morning sex!!

Many of us don’t imagine that this is grave living error! Disturbing Prana movement post dinner/meal that leads to digestive disorders.

Forget Brahmcharya, we the modern idiots don’t even respect bodily rhythms!! 🙁

Educate Young married couple (Sadly, teens too!) ! Save them from unnecessary medical bills and treatments! Minimum 4 hours between meal and sleep.


Read following articles to understand it:

Stress and Low Digestive Fire – Roots of diseased conditions

Midnight Munches to Irregular Meals : Memory Disorders to Cancer

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