The Ever Changing Boundary of Human Brain



आधुनिक विज्ञानके पिछले २०० वर्षका इतिहास देंखे तो समझ आयेगा की मात्रा पिछले 50 वर्ष से ही उनका मस्तिष्क मोह टूट रहा है |जो अच्छी बात है| अभी वैज्ञानिक ह्रदय और मूलाधार (अंतड़ीका अंत) को भी मस्तिष्क समक्ष समझने लगे है! आधुनिक विज्ञानका मूल भौतिकता है जो सूक्ष्म स्तरको स्वीकार नहीं करते | आज, ह्रदय और GUT को मस्तिष्क समझते है किन्तु यह स्वीकार नहीं करते की भौतिक शरीर का आधार प्राण उर्जा है | प्राणके सात केंद्र उर्जा के ऐसे स्थान है जो वास्तविकतामें भौतिक शरीरका नियमन करते है ! जिस तरफ First brain, second brain, third brainके संशोधन हो रहे है…उर्जा को निकट के भविष्यमें समझ जायेंगे…परंतु फिर भी मन और बुद्धि का स्वतंत्र अस्तित्व नहीं समझेंगे! मनको समझना है तो भारतीय सनातन शास्त्रका आश्रय लाभदायक होगा |

Last year, I read that heart is our second brain[1]. Till then, I was taught that it is head that controls life and other part of nervous system helps.

For centuries of dark age modern science, they were saying, it is head that control our life. Recently, in last 20 years, they have started accepting heart’s nervous control as critical player. And now, Embedded in the wall of the gut, the enteric nervous system (ENS) has long been known to control digestion. Now it seems it also plays an important role in our physical and mental well-being.

Tomorrow, it will be appendix. Day after tomorrow, hands and legs nervous response.

We need to understand, sooner or later, that it is MIND and not the BRAIN! Brain is mere an instrumental agent, catering our subtle bodies (Refer पञ्चकोष शरीर – Google it to know more)

Read this[2][3] to realize importance of gut.

By the way, how do we urbanites eat? Lol. Look into mirror…you will see yourself devastating sacred eating ritual. TV, radio, laptop, phone, talks,

buffet, junk food causing blockages in gut….endless list of idiotic living …

Hint: With our limited knowledge: Healthy GUT -> Healthy gateway in form of nervous responses for mind to carry out actions. Who plays major role in maintaining healthy Gut? Milk, Dahi, chaas, honey…-> Gau, bees




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