Science of rituals during Uttarayan and Dakshinayan.
Importance of Uttarayana (Sun’s movement towards northern solstice) 6 months.
सप्तार्धगर्भा भुवनस्य रेतो विष्णोस्तिष्ठन्ति परदिशाविधर्मणि |
ते धीतिभिर्मनसा ते विपश्चितः परिभुवः परि भवन्ति विश्वतः ||
कर्ष्णं नियानं हरयः सुपर्णा अपो वसाना दिवमुत पतन्ति |
त आवव्र्त्रन सदनाद रतस्यादिद घर्तेन पर्थिवी वयुद्यते ||
समानमेतदुदकमुच्चैत्यव चाहभिः |
भूमिं पर्जन्या जिन्वन्ति दिवं जिन्वन्त्यग्नयः ||
– Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 164
The rays of the Sun hold for 6 months the waters capable of fertilizing the Earth. Pervading the sky they wait for performing their duty (of drenching the Earth with showers)
The rays of the sun following the dark (दक्षिणायन) path take the waters and move upwards. They turn back from the source of Rita and drench the Earth with waters.
The waters go upward and come downward in the same measure during period (of the respective seasons). Agni takes the waters to heavens and Parjanya brings them down as rain.
Unlike consumerism driven modern day festivals, all religion based festivals help us get connected with the mother nature or father nature, whatever your faith is. So while you enjoy the festivals, do not miss the moment to get connected with the nature and duties of giving back to nature.
Irrespective of religion you are following, giving back to nature is fundamental duty of mankind. Common sense. After all, will we be able to live without food? Participate in natural cycles and celebrate life! 🙂
When you fly a kite this Uttarayan, get connected with eternal source of life on the Earth, the Sun. Worship him and thank him for his blessings upon us.
This monsoon, do participate in sacrificial rituals (Homam) to give back what is received from the Sun so that the next year, we have regular rain.
So well explained