Summer Vacation and Information Overload

Nisarg Joshi

Child Development


One friend says: “TV teaches me great things. For example, Dicovery channel. Until its arrival, we were not knowing so many great things about the world! It is great help for education and learning!”

I replied: “Do you know, how many plants grow in your neighborhood? ground water level in your area? Number of rain water harvesting facilities in your area? Sources of vegetables and fruits that your eat?

What is the use of hollow global information overload when we are utterly ignorant about facts which directly impact our life?

What should be our priority? 🙂

Life is limited. Use it wisely. 🙂

Summer vacation going on. So many summer camps, projects and information grabbing opportunities for children.

What is worth and what is not worth of your kid’s precious, limited, growth period?

Information or Practical aspects?

What is the use of knowing 10 types of monkeys from Africa’s jungle when a kid is afraid of monkey sitting at rooftop?

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