Protect senses by your speech



Speech does not only mean the gross spoken words. It also means the subtle speech that we constantly utter while speaking with self. The words that we use as feedback loop with mind. The words that becomes our Sanskar (mental imprints and habits) after several repetitions.

परा, पश्यन्ति, मध्यमा, वैखरी – 4 types of speech. We all, including birds, animals, trees understand one for sure: परा -अक्षर ब्रह्म

Many of us, blessed one, don’t need microscope to understand tree roots or bee’s saliva. They connect with each other in परा-plane

Verbal communication (वैखरी) is powerful conditioning for soul and hindrance to commune with nature.

Leave it behind and entire universe will start talking with you. In silence, tree speaks, river speaks, motherly land speaks. Not only they speak, they guide.

We discussed here many times. Voice play critical role. In fact, it was very foundation of our education.

Even in difference voices, mother’s voice (including foster mothers like Gau, soil) and Guru’s voice is sheer magic.

Whatever research labs are producing, are related to Vaikhari-vak which is the grossest level of speech, and it is heard through the external senses. When sound comes out through the mouth as spoken syllables it is called as vaikhari.

Our culture and education suggests and promote deeper commune! Para, pashyanti, madhyama ! (Read article in comment for understanding)

Can you imagine what growing national assets (our kids!) miss due to idiotic parenting? (Mother and father busy in own life, having very little time to talk with kids)

Can you imagine the havoc when human interactions are replaced by machine interactions? (Tablet based education!😀 )

This is how psychopaths (zombies , terrorists , stalkers) are groomed by society. By utter neglect from mother (and all motherly figures participating in parenting) in childhood.

As per this research[1] **Mom’s voice activates many different regions in children’s brains. *“Voice is one of the most important social communication cues,” Menon said. “It’s exciting to see that the echo of one’s mother’s voice lives on in so many brain systems.”***

Such is the importance of speaking. Let us understand what Charak says about using speaking to nurture senses. This is why I love Ayurveda most. It opens up diagnostic tools for patients and they are in the form of framework. Easy to adopt, easy to localize\individualize.

Speech that nourishes senses has 5 components (1) Timely (काले) (2) Useful (हितकर) (3) Measure (मितभाषी) (4) Sweet (मधुर) (5) Meaningful (अर्थ सभर)

(1) Timely काले

योग्य समय पर बोले गए वचन इंद्रियों का पोषण करता है । Timely speech. So if we have habit of speaking anything and everything all the time, it is definitely an intellectual error (प्रज्ञा अपराध).

24×7 radio – Avoid!

(2) Useful (हितकर)

Speak only those words which are useful for all. Guidance, suggestions, prescriptions. वचन सदैव कल्याणकारी हो! आत्मा से ले कर राष्ट्र तक – सब का कल्याण ही ध्यान में रखकर बोलना चाहिए !

(3) Measured (मितभाषी)

भारत की संस्कृति सूत्र की संस्कृति है । जहां 1 शब्द से काम चल जाएं वहाँ वाक्य का लोप ! जगत की उत्पत्ति भी छंदोंबद्ध! (Even the universe is formed by Chandas creation i.e. Veda!) Measure, optimum speech!

(4) Sweet (मधुर)

As per latest researchers, language came after music. The spoken words were always invented in the form poems. पद्य का प्रादुर्भाव गद्य से पहले हुआ । काव्य का गुण है मधुरता ! अपने छंद लालित्य से मधुरता का उत्पन्न होना!

(5) Meaningful (अर्थ सभर)

We are living in random sentence generator age. For instant Instagram, you can order a instant quote! 🙂 Avoid such gibberish talks. The useless comedies.

When you can take of these 5 elements of speech, what will happen?

It will help senses in two ways!

(1) Your conscious efforts to become हितमितमधुरार्थवादी, one has to sharpen the senses.

(2) When you are काले हितमितमधुरार्थवादी, you nurture mind with right set of Sanskar and in return world too will throw the same, right set of memories!



[Never compromise motherhood! Be with your child! – Prachodayat](


[How the brain controls our speech](

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