Progeny planning and interplay of Vata and Pitta


Family Planning

One friend asked me, what is ideal time to conceive a baby?
I am happy that my younger friends come up with sensitive questions. Otherwise, there are rampant accidental birth programs going on in our society. Many of them are conceived by parents imaginations of secret sex crushes (like porn stars and movie stars)while having sex (This is because they no longer fill love in real partners).Babies, product of lust, everywhere.
Conceiving a baby is most divine duty of marriage in our culture. Best a couple can contribute in fate of the mankind. Planning for a child is a first critical decision newly wedded couple takes. Many parameters play crucial role in this decision. Physiological, social and mental.
For example:
· Are we earning enough?
· Are we stable enough?
· Are we capable enough to raise the child?
· Are all priorities in placed?
· Is wife physiologically in right age to conceive(not too young, not too old)?
· Are both husband and wife living stress-free for at least last 1 year?
· Are both husband and wife eating healthy food for last one year (because food is what help sperms and eggs a healthy environment to sustain in real game of life. Quality of sperm, semen, egg andvaginal fluid depends upon the food we eat. More alkaline food is suggested.)

Progeny planning and interplay of Vata and Pitta

Fact 1: During intercourse, मन stimulates वात.वात stimulatesपित्त. वात & पित्त together helps discharge of शुक्र (Sperm in male and ovum in female).
Fact 2: वात वृध्धि is important for intercourse. वात वृध्धि happens ==> 1) Old age 2) Sunset 3) After meal, when food is digested and assimilation starts 4) Last prahar of night
Fact 3: Pitta is lowest in old age so वात वृध्धि does not help much.
Fact 4: Sunset is Sandhi time. Spiritually not suitable time for intercourse.
Fact 5: Assimilation of digested food is a natural process. Intercourse is will-governed process. Always, do not interfere natural process. So avoid sex after taking meal for at least 2-4 hrs.
Fact 6: Last prahar of night is ideal time for progeny planning.
Fact 7: Vata is most unstable during monsoon. Pitta during Sharad. Avoid these two seasons if you are in healthy age window and family planning is not in emergency mode (emergency mode= both partners crossed 30 and are desperately striving for kid…they should go ahead and plan in all seasons. Urgency has high priority over seasonal impact)

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