I see bacteria attacking body as cleaners gathering at dirty streets of the city to clean it up for next morning. Microbes for cleaning is a last weapon employed to clean the mess in blood of organism.
We, humans, have developed habit of eating anything and everything! And our mind has developed algorithm to justify it too!
May be this is due to rising Tamas (in form of ignorance) in all of us. Bhagwad Gita says:
यातयामं गतरसं पूति पर्युषितं च यत्।
उच्छिष्टमपि चामेध्यं भोजनं तामसप्रियम्।।17.10।।Food which is not properly cooked, lacking in essence, putrid and stale, and even ort and that which is unfit for sacrifice, is dear to one possessed of tamas.
One of the reasons why kids nowadays succumb to more chronic immune disorders and bacterial infection is form of sugar in chocolates and other fast food items.
As per research shared in research section, trehalose, a Common Sugar Additive Might Be Driving The Rise of One of The Most Aggressive Superbugs.
What is trehalose?
Trehalose, also known as mycose or tremalose, is a natural alpha-linked disaccharide formed by an α,α-1,1-glucoside bond between two α-glucose units.
Trehalose is the major carbohydrate energy storage molecule used by insects for flight.In plants, the presence of trehalose is seen in sunflower seeds, moonwort, Selaginella plants,[16] and sea algae. Within the fungi, it is prevalent in some mushrooms, such as shiitake (Lentinula edodes), oyster, king oyster, and golden needle.[17]
If this is natural sugar, how is it causing infection?
This rise in dangerous C. difficile infections coincided with more and more of the sugar trehalose being added to foods.
Manufacturing innovation has cut the cost of trehalose production more than 100-fold, and the sugar was approved as a food additive at the turn of the century. Trehalose is an extremely stable sugar, resistant both to high temperatures and to acid hydrolysis thanks to the glycosidic bond linking its two glucose units. This makes it valuable for high temperature food processing, since it doesn’t lead to browning as part of the Maillard reaction.
Usually, almost all trehalose is absorbed in the upper intestine, while C. difficile spores germinate in the lower. ‘At high concentrations, [trehalose] makes it farther down the intestinal tract,’ senior author Robert Britton explains. ‘Dietary trehalose would thus favour 027s and 078s over other ribotypes since they can grow on this sugar while others cannot.’[1]
[1] https://www.chemistryworld.com/news/food-additive-may-have-given-deadly-bacterium-its-chance/3008488.article
“In 2000, trehalose was approved as a food additive in the United States for a number of foods from sushi and vegetables to ice cream,” says one of the researchers, Robert Britton from the Baylor College of Medicine in Texas.
“About three years later the reports of outbreaks with these lineages started to increase. Other factors may also contribute, but we think that trehalose is a key trigger.”
It is like taking toxins as food and then inviting superbugs to clean the mess. Highly stable sugar is used because more food processing happens at high temperature. And such sugar serve that purpose very well. When such sugar content is in normal quantity, usually, almost all trehalose is absorbed in the upper intestine, while C. difficile spores germinate in the lower. It is HIGH CONCENTRATION of sugar that invites superbugs in lower intestine. It is this filth in form of sugar that triggers Prana/Apana to form superbugs to get rid of it from the divine digestive track! All in your service against your food-terrorism!
Now, my educated friends will rationalize this
But, I only eat occasionally!
My dear friend, almost all our food, picked from supermarket, come with loaded processed sugar. If not this variant of sugar then something else, but is certainly stress for digestive track to digest stable molecules.
If every other item is loaded with processed sugar, we naturally are at high concentration of it in lower intestine!
Take care.
Dietary trehalose enhances virulence of epidemic Clostridium difficile
Clostridium difficile disease has recently increased to become a dominant nosocomial pathogen in North America and Europe, although little is known about what has driven this emergence. Here we show that two epidemic ribotypes (RT027 and RT078) have acquired unique mechanisms to metabolize low concentrations of the disaccharide trehalose. RT027 strains contain a single point mutation in the trehalose repressor that increases the sensitivity of this ribotype to trehalose by more than 500-fold. Furthermore, dietary trehalose increases the virulence of a RT027 strain in a mouse model of infection. RT078 strains acquired a cluster of four genes involved in trehalose metabolism, including a PTS permease that is both necessary and sufficient for growth on low concentrations of trehalose. We propose that the implementation of trehalose as a food additive into the human diet, shortly before the emergence of these two epidemic lineages, helped select for their emergence and contributed to hypervirulence.
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