I wrote this note in 2014 (or before, not recalling exact year) when there was H1N1 scare. We did not learn and repeated same mistakes in 2020 and early 2021. Hope we don’t repeat the same mistakes in future.
- Use Cow dung-based fumigation in hospitalclinic setups
- Use copper for utensils
- Keep the setup as small as possible. No Mega hospitals, no mega camps.
Avoid visiting slaughterhouses, non-veg markets and restaurants, farms using pesticides
Nursing homes, day care centers, homeless shelters, prisons, inner cities, animal hospitals and factory farming and hospitals – They are defense schools for bacterial armies. These are the places where they subscribe and rapidly learn new ways of combat. Wherever antibacterial use is high, bacterial armies’ rate of learning is high too. Heavy antibiotics presence in hospitals, water bodies, farms, causes immediate bacterial congregation, rapid learning and subsequent cascade of resistance information exchange.
To avoid this, we need to redesign our hospital setups. No more large establishments. Small is beautiful. No bombardments of antibiotics. Re-introduce copper and gobar (Desi cow dung) in hospitals.