Not possible to live @ Farms? Must Visit Often

Cow milk

If not living on farm, visiting farm daily or weekly, will become mandatory for parents loving their children. Cross-sectional surveys show link between early exposure to farm, farm animals and raw milk protecting immune system disorders.

Long-term and early-life exposure to stables and farm milk induces a strong protective effect against development of asthma, hay fever, and atopic sensitisation.

Do not die with a burden of curse gifted by your children suffering from degenerative diseases, scolding you in their adulthood, for arranging artificial and stupid life-style during their childhood.


Yes, it seems a bit impossible but unavoidable if we really want to bring back vision of our scriptures live in reality, demonstrated by future citizens.

If continuous exposure is impossible through out life, at least, first 5 years of life of all children, are critical.Microbial world plays role of surrogate markers as far as immune system development is concerned. (Human genes lacks certain cell instructions related to important cell functioning and they need support of surrogate markers to decode and work.)

Children whose mothers were heavily involved in farming activities in pregnancy, and who themselves frequently visited farms in their first year of life, later developed much less hay fever and became less sensitised than children whose mothers were not.

So planning to remain connected with farm-life actually starts with family planning.




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