Not genes, beyond genes.

Be it wheat or rice research – Companies are spending billions on ‘gene mining’, or seeking specific genes. Yet after 60 years they still do not have one which can withstand a drought or flooding or sea water. But all of these characteristics are available in the indigenous seeds.
What type of research these genetic engineering departments are doing?
In 2011, wheat variety HD2733 was recommended by Agri universities [1]
“HD 2733 VSM is a wheat variety suitable for timely sown and irrigated conditions. It gives an average yield of 46-50 qtls/ha. The variety normally takes early (126-134 days) to mature. On maturity the plants of the variety attains a height of 80-90 cms. The variety is resistant to stripe rust (yellow rust), stem rust (black rust), leaf rust (brown rust). The variety is very good for chapati making, bread making. Its protein contents is 12-13 percent. “
Please note: It is resistant to yellow rust.
Sep 24, 2014,Ludhiana [2]
Experts of Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Ludhiana have stated that yellow rust has become a major problem for wheat cultivation in the state. Cautioning farmers about yellow rust, PAU has issued an advisory through a press release stating that the disease can cause yield losses up to 70% depending on its severity and the resistance of the cultivar.
“It starts appearing in December and January on wheat crop sown in sub-mountain areas of Punjab. If fungicides are not sprayed well in time, there could be a heavy loss in yield. Therefore, farmers should cultivate wheat varieties which could resist the attack of yellow rust and there is no need to spray fungicides to manage it. It has been observed during previous years that there was a serious attack of yellow rust on PBW 343, DBW 17, HD 2733, HD 2932 and WH 711 varieties of wheat. Therefore, these varieties should not be grown, especially in sub-mountainous areas of Punjab,” PAU has stated in the advisory.
What does it says?
HD 2733 has yellow rust problems.
So for 3 years, they sold fake seeds? What type engineering it is?
And solution?
Use HD 3086 😀
Genetic engineering is not the answer. Environmental health is.
[1] http://www.iasri.res.in/expert/variety/variety_det01.asp?var_code=HD2733
[2] http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chandigarh/Punjab-Agricultural-University-cautions-farmers-against-yellow-rust-in-wheat-crop-in-advance/articleshow/43278323.cms