As per Dorland’s medical dictionary (32nd edition), word “NORMAL” means agreeing with the regular and established type.
What a vague definition of normal condition! If Normal condition cannot be defined, what exactly doctors diagnose in patient and compare it with normal condition? Who establish regular type of body? For example: Blood pressure normal ranges – Same range for all in same age group 😀 . Random diagnosis? Random diagnosis -> random treatment
On the other hand, Ayurveda can define your individual Prakriti (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) and gives specific treatment. Fever treatment for Vata type is different from treatment for Kapha type or pitta type. Blood pressure varies based on your prakriti. What is normal for Kapha type, may not be normal for Vata and Pitta and so on.
But still, we trust half-baked science more than our rich and perfect health science! What a fall of discriminative intellect in our society! 🙂 (That includes me too as I also follow Modern Medicine sometimes!)