We ,more or less, all are beasts in human form. Two qualities that restricts us becoming human are Anger and Lust. No worship, no meditation, no sadhana will bear fruits unless these two beasts are alive in you. Sacrifice them.
कामः क्रोधौ द्वौ पशु इमामेव मनसा बलि समर्पयेत।
क्रोधौ विघ्नकृतो बलि दत्वा जपं चरेत्॥
– महानिर्वाणतंत्र
काम & क्रोध – दोनों विध्नकारी पशुओका बलिदान करके उपासना करनी चाहिए|
’इन्द्रियाणि पशूनहत्वा’-
इन्द्रिय रूप पशु का वध करें ।
And we ignorant actually sacrifice animals 🙁
Although anger and lust can become active any time of the year, during monsoon, changes in our environment are such (mainly lack of Sun exposure) that they intensify these two beastly qualities. Observe around – why there are so many revolutions/agitations in the month of August. 🙂Why monsoon is deemed as season of lust by Bollywood?
It is स्वभाव or nature of this season (seasons when दक्षिणायन of the sun happen) to spur आसुरी शक्ति of human mind during this time.
And नवरात्रि is the time when we can worship eternal form of Energy to suppress beasts within.
In fact, there are 5 Navratri(s) in one year but we hardly pay attention to celebrate even two major Navratri(s) Chaitra Navratri and Sharad Navratri.
Since परम्परा of identifying beasts like काम & क्रोध् and scarifying them for the greater good of the society does not happen, we have living beasts around. Pervert pedophiles to rapists to murderers to suicide attempters.
राम (ह्रदय सम्राट – अयोध्या निवासी – The one that rules our heart) – सीता ( शक्ति trapped in Muladhara chakra but freed by राम , हनुमान & वानरसेना ) , हनुमान & वानरसेना ( महाप्राण & मरुतगण i.e. micro organisms living in body) – they all together can control beasts of mind.
Happy Vijaya Dashmi! 🙂 Celebration of success of killing beasts within!