As I see around, Navratri, like all other local celebrations, are day by day becoming भावशून्य.
नवरात्री? भावशून्य?
Yes. There is fun, there are pandals, there is high-tech decoration, there is food and there is चन्द्र विहार but भाव? I think, it is lost. Or rare finding.
भावस्तु मनसो धर्म:|
भाव मनका धर्म है|
भावशुन्य parents, भावशुन्य doctor and भावशुन्य teacher – These are real terrorists of our times. They are responsible for insensitive, greedy, selfish generations.
If anything we need urgently, it is grooming/training/education/parenting that can instill भाव. Even नास्तिक needs it. 🙂
साधना without भक्ति = Fake mechanical show-off
बुद्धि without भाव = Ironical intellectual bankruptcy
Or otherwise, don’t boast for your Sanatana roots please. भावशून्यता is not Sanatana.

Note: Pictures are googled in public domain. Consider personalities in pics anonymous representatives.