Modern life, Precocious puberty, Juvenile Crime and Cancer


Children, Crime, Parenting, Teen


What to talk about those parents who subscribe their children to Computer, Mobile, Video games, as early as age of 5 or 6? What to talk about schools who teach by screens from kindergarten?


Is there any relation among Food, Mind, Body, Child Development and Sexual assault crimes?

1.A) Researches show that fast food/Toxic Food/GM food/Chemical milk triggers early puberty (Precocious puberty)
1.B) Researches show that excessive screen entertainment (TV/Movies/Video Games/Mobiles) accelerate puberty.
2) Researches also show that precocious puberty triggers violence, drugs use and excessive sexual activities in children.
3) Researches also show that effects of precocious puberty on delinquency are direct, without any other factors involved (like social class, family and race).

Precocious puberty tangles growing brain in sex related imaginings very early in life. This leads to potential development deficit. For more insights, this is worth researching subject.

Overuse of screen entertainment/interaction (TV/Movies/Video Games/Mobiles) accelerate puberty. Light and radiation from television screens and possibly even computer screens disturbs the production of melatonin, believed to be the hormone that can prevent early onset of puberty. With accelerated puberty, you reduce your child’s childhood and make them dumb adults, burden for society!

1) Early puberty is believed to put girls at higher risk of sexual abuse
2) Precocious puberty triggers violence, drugs use and excessive sexual activities in children.
3) Early-Onset Puberty Puts Girls at Risk of Medical Problems like breast cancer
4) Early sexual maturation in boys can be accompanied by increased aggressiveness due to the surge of hormones that affect them. Because they appear older than their peers, pubescent boys may face increased social pressure to conform to adult norms; society may view them as more emotionally advanced, despite the fact that their cognitive and social development may lag behind their appearance.
5) Studies have shown that early maturing boys are more likely to be sexually active and are more likely to participate in risky behaviors.

On the contrary, CEOs of Silicon Valley IT companies, send their children to technology-free schools!

A Silicon Valley School That Doesn’t Compute


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