Madhu Vidya – Core for mutual dependence



Sanskrit dictionary suggests following meaning for word मधु:
None of this meaning gives true understanding of word. It is almost a year that मधु word became research topic for me. Today morning, while reading बृहदारण्यक उपनिषद् , I could realize real meaning of मधु:
मधु विद्या is essence of life. It is essence of Vedas.मधु basically signifies that relation of the various beings( and up to primary elements level) is mutually dependent for their worldly existence i.e. mutually complementary. The knowledge of this relation among various beings (Human-Animals, Human-Plants,Plants-Animals,Humans-Insects etc) & elements is called Madhu-vidya. This knowledge is very potent and can work as seed knowledge for any other physical science. Once we acquire this Madhu-vidya, it brings completeness or fullness in life.
It is a magnificent statement of the Upaniṣhad, where it tells us that everything is organically related to everything. When you touch anything, you are touching everything. If I touch a table, I am touching the sun at once. Nobody can understand the mystery behind this thing. Everything is vitally connected, not merely artificially related, so that when I see anything, I am seeing everything. When I speak to anyone, I am speaking to everybody. When I touch anything, I touch all things, and when I know one thing, I know everything.
To teach this mutual dependence, living & learning in nature is always prescribed by our scriptures.

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